@geo7 and if you install manually with "python setup.py install" does it work ?
Clone the repo or download the zip from the github page (or the pypi page).
Thanks @mncharity , I modified the setup.py so that ez_setup won't be a problem anymore. Cheers.
Sorry, guys, I didn't mean to close the issue, I'm waiting to see if there are still problems. It's reopen.
That's curious... Does it work if you install picnic with python "setup.py install" or "setup.py develop" ? Edit: Indeed, it is buggy, only `python setup.py develop` works. Thanks for letting...
Ok, for the moment I just changed the README, to warn that only `python setup.py develop` works. It is not ideal, any help on the matter is appreciated (I am...
Ok, but the way to change radial gradients is still under discussion...
Thanks for the feedback. Can you also report the pip issues ? What did they look like ? You will need to install Cairo (I thought it was automatically installed...
@GreenVars @RealJTG Maybe it would be simpler to get the binaries here: http://sourceforge.net/projects/numpy/files/NumPy/1.9.0/ Also, that's the first time I see this error.
Can you paste the whole error that you get ? maybe there will be more infos.