SolisCloud2PVOutput copied to clipboard
Simple Python3 script to copy latest (normally once per 5 minutes) SolisCloud portal inverter update to PVOutput portal, Domoticz, and/or MQTT Broker (e.g. HomeAssistant, ioBroker).
SolisCloud to PVOutput, Domoticz and/or MQTT Broker (e.g. HomeAssistant, ioBroker)
- SolisCloud
- PVOutput
- Domoticz
- MQTT Broker (e.g. HomeAssistant, ioBroker)
- Configuration
- Usage: Windows 10
Usage: Linux or Raspberry pi
- Linux or Raspberry pi configuration
- log files
- Configuration with multiple inverters in one SolisCloud station
- Combined data of two PVOutput accounts/inverters
- Example standard output of SolisCloud2PVoutput
SolisCloud to PVOutput, Domoticz and/or MQTT Broker (e.g. HomeAssistant, ioBroker)
Simple Python3 script to copy latest (normally once per 5 minutes) SolisCloud portal inverter update to PVOutput portal, Domoticz, and/or MQTT Broker (e.g. HomeAssistant, ioBroker).
The script will get the station id via the configured soliscloud_station_index (default the first station) with the secrets of SolisCloud (see next section). Thereafter it will get the inverter id and serial number via the configured soliscloud_inverter_index (default the first inverter). Then in an endless loop the inverter details are fetched and the following information is used:
- timestamp
- DC PV voltage (assuming no more than 4 strings)
- watt (current)
- watthour today
- inverter temperature (instead of outside temperature, you can still overrule with weather device)
- AC voltage (max voltage of 3 phases), default "Power Consumption" field is misused, so read "AC Volt" for the "Power Used" column of PVOutput and ignore "Energy Used" column
- People with Solis Consumption Monitoring solution installed can also send the Power Used (FamilyLoadPower) instead of AC Voltage
- People with Solis Consumption Monitoring solution and Solis hybrid inverter with battery storage can also send the Power Used (HomeConsumption) instead of AC Voltage.
This information is used to compute the new information to be send to PVOutput and/or Domoticz, when the timestamp is changed.
- only between 5 and 23 hour data is fetched from SolisCloud and copied to PVOutput and/or Domoticz
- the script will exit outside 5 and 23
- Each new day the "watthour today" starts with 0
- Because the resolution of the SolisCloud watthour is in 100 Watt, a higher resolution is computed with current Watt
- if you have more than 1 station you need to configure each inverter in different directories
- If you have more than 4 strings or a 3 phase inverter, you need to adapt the script (sorry, not supported yet)
SolisCloud is the next generation Portal for Solis branded PV systems from Ginlong.
The python script requires a SolisCloud API_ID, API_SECRET and API_URL to function.
- Go to
- Ativate API management and agree with the usage conditions.
- After activation, click on view key tot get a pop-up window asking for the verification code.
- First click on "Verification code" after which you get an image with 2 puzzle pieces, which you need to overlap each other using the slider below.
- After that, you will receive an email with the verification code you need to enter (within 60 seconds).
- Once confirmed, you get the API_ID, API_SECRET and API_URL
PVOutput is a free online service for sharing and comparing photovoltaic solar panel output data. It provides both manual and automatic data uploading facilities.
Output data can be graphed, analysed and compared with other pvoutput contributors over various time periods. The ability to compare with similar systems within close proximity allows both short and longer term performance issues to be easily identified. While PVOutput is primarily focused on monitoring energy generation, it also provides equally capabable facilities to upload and monitor energy consumption data from various energy monitoring devices.
The python script requires a PVOutput API_KEY and SYSTEM_ID to function.
- Login in PVOutput and goto your Settings page
- Select Enabled for API Access
- Click on New Key to generate your API key
- Make a note of your System Id
- Save your settings
Domoticz is a very light weight home automation system that lets you monitor and configure miscellaneous devices, including lights, switches, various sensors/meters like temperature, rainfall, wind, ultraviolet (UV) radiation, electricity usage/production, gas consumption, water consumption and many more. Notifications/alerts can be sent to any mobile device.
If you want to know how to configure in Domoticz your inverter, see this discussion.
MQTT Broker (e.g. HomeAssistant, ioBroker)
An MQTT broker is a server that receives all messages from the clients and then routes the messages to the appropriate destination clients. Information is organized in a hierarchy of topics. When SolisCloud2PVOutput has a new item of data to distribute, it sends a control message with the data to the connected broker. The broker then distributes the information to any clients that have subscribed to that topic. The SolisCloud2PVOutput does not need to have any data on the number or locations of subscribers, and subscribers, in turn, do not have to be configured with any data about the publishers.
If you want to know how to configure your inverter to send information to a MQTT Broker, see this discussion.
Change in soliscloud_to_pvoutput.cfg the following lines with your above obtained secrets, domoticz configuration, mqtt configuration, including if you want to send information to PVOutput, Domoticz, MQTT or a combination of those. By default only output is send to PVOutput:
soliscloud_api_id = 1300386381123456789
soliscloud_api_secret = 304abf2bd8a44242913d704123456789
soliscloud_api_url =
soliscloud_station_index = 0
soliscloud_inverter_index = 0
pvoutput_api_key = 0f2dd8190d00369ec893b059034dde1123456789
pvoutput_system_id = 12345
send_to_pvoutput = True
pvoutput_fill_temperature_with_inverter_temperature = True
pvoutput_fill_voltage_with_ac_voltage = False
pvoutput_fill_power_consumption_with_familyloadpower = False
pvoutput_fill_power_consumption_with_homeconsumption = False
pvoutput_fill_power_consumption_with_ac_voltage = True
send_to_domoticz = False
domot_url =
domot_power_generated_id = 0
domot_ac_volt_id = 0
domot_inverter_temp_id = 0
domot_volt_id = 0
domot_solarpower_id = 0
domot_energygeneration_id = 0
domot_batterypower_id = 0
domot_gridpower_id = 0
domot_familyloadpower_id = 0
domot_homeconsumption_id = 0
send_to_mqtt = False
mqtt_broker_hostname = localhost
mqtt_broker_port = 1883
mqtt_broker_username =
mqtt_broker_password =
mqtt_main_topic = SolisCloud2PVOutput
mqtt_last_update_id = last_update
mqtt_power_generated_id = power_generated
mqtt_ac_volt_id = ac_volt
mqtt_inverter_temp_id = inverter_temp
mqtt_volt_id = volt
mqtt_solarpower_id = solarpower
mqtt_energygeneration_id = energygeneration
mqtt_batterypower_id = batterypower
mqtt_gridpower_id = gridpower
mqtt_familyloadpower_id = familyloadpower
mqtt_homeconsumption_id = homeconsumption
Because I see some forks or local adaptions for people wanting a slightly different behavior, I made some adaptions to the SolisCloud2PVOutput solution and configuration to capture (some of) those variations. Now the following is possible:
- made it possible to have the config files not in the current directory, but just use the directory where the python script is located
- use AC voltage instead of DC Voltage for the PVOutput Voltage field (setting pvoutput_fill_voltage_with_ac_voltage)
- do NOT send the inverter temperature to PVOutput (setting pvoutput_fill_temperature_with_inverter_temperature)
- extra values possible to send to Domoticz (see above), when domot_[name]_id is 0, it will NOT be send to domoticz
- instead of misusing the PVOutput PowerConsumption field for the AC voltage, you can also use FamilyLoadPower or HomeConsumption (setting pvoutput_fill_power_consumption_with_familyloadpower, pvoutput_fill_power_consumption_with_homeconsumption, pvoutput_fill_power_consumption_with_ac_voltage)
Note 1: for the last bullet, you need to have a Solis Consumption Monitoring solution installed, also supported is a Solis hybrid inverter with battery storage.
Note 2: make sure that you move send_to_pvoutput setting to the [PVOutput] section, if you have an already existing configuration.
Note 3: mqtt_broker_username and mqtt_broker_password are optional
Usage: Windows 10
Make sure to go to the directory where and soliscloud_to_pvoutput.cfg is located.
Usage: Linux or Raspberry pi scripts runs on my Raspberry pi with Raspbian GNU/Linux 11 (bullseye).
Linux or Raspberry pi configuration
- create a directory solis in your home directory
- copy,, soliscloud_to_pvoutput.cfg and logging_config.ini in this solis directory
- change inside soliscloud_to_pvoutput.cfg the API secrets
- chmod +x
- add the following line in your crontab -e:
2 5 * * * ~/solis/ > /dev/null
@reboot sleep 123 && ~/solis/ > /dev/null
log files
Log files are written in the home subdirectory solis
- solis.log containing the data send to PVOutput (and maybe error messages)
- solis.crontab.log containing the crontab output (normally it will say that is running).
Configuration with multiple inverters in one SolisCloud station
Make 2 PVOutput accounts (you need 2 email addresses) for each inverter a separate PVOutput account. Make sure to configure the PVOutput accounts and get the PVOutput API keys.
The solution is to have 2 scripts running in different directories (one for each inverter) and for the each directory you do modifications, e.g. the configuration to get the appropriate station (setting soliscloud_station_index) and inverter (setting soliscloud_inverter_index) and send the output to a appropriate PVOutput account as target.
Create two directories, copy the SolisCloud2PVOutput files (, soliscloud_to_pvoutput.cfg, and logging_config.ini) to each directory and configure in each directory soliscloud_to_pvoutput.cfg:
- solis
- solis2
In solis2 directory you change the following:
- modify soliscloud_to_pvoutput.cfg to point the second PVOutput account secrets and change the soliscloud_station_index to 1 (to get the second station) and/or soliscloud_inverter_index to 1 (to get the data of the second inverter)
- rename to and modify to go to directory solis2 (line 9: cd ~/solis2)
Have two cronrabs running (for and
Combined data of two PVOutput accounts/inverters
if you also want the combined data of the two inverters, use a third PVOutput account (yet another email address) and use my python tool CombinePVOutputSystems.
Example standard output of SolisCloud2PVoutput
20220730 23:00:17: Outside solar generation hours (5..23)
Exiting program to start fresh tomorrow
20220904 17:52:32: data=20220904,17:50,7600,90,-1,227.7,36.5,161.5
20220904 17:56:34: data=20220904,17:55,7600,100,-1,227.3,36.4,161.5
20220904 18:01:42: data=20220904,18:00,7600,100,-1,226.7,36.2,161.4
20220904 18:05:46: data=20220904,18:05,7700,100,-1,226.9,36.1,161.4
20220904 18:10:51: data=20220904,18:10,7700,110,-1,227.4,36.1,161.4