Zuhair Ahmed

Results 19 comments of Zuhair Ahmed

@tcarrondo @akierstein-insider we have just released v1.5.0, can you let us know if this resolves issue?

Thanks @Marcus-James-Adams closing as PR has been merged: https://github.com/mongodb/terraform-provider-mongodbatlas/pull/878

Thanks for feedback [luebken](https://github.com/luebken)! Can you confirm [bitgandtter](https://github.com/bitgandtter) / [abdelazizhd](https://github.com/abdelazizhd) if this has resolved your issue?

Adding https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/CLOUDP-210605 for internal tracking purposes. As an update we are working on fix but this one is likely going to be several months away. Thanks for raising issue and...

[shirakiya](https://github.com/shirakiya) just as an update this is on our roadmap, but still several quarters away. will leave this github issue open in the interim. internal tracking ticket [CLOUDP-192770](https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/CLOUDP-192770)

Issue has since been resolved [CLOUDP-192770](https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/CLOUDP-192770)! closing this issue and feel free to open new ticket in case you need anything else. thank you

Hi @mallikarjunkantu7 supporting Altas Users resource is Terraform is on our roadmap, but still a few quarters away before we will be able to release. Feel free leave feedback (or...

hi @mallikarjunkantu7 and @bartier have you considered [Atlas Federated Authentication](https://www.mongodb.com/docs/atlas/security/federated-authentication/)? This will allow you to configure MongoDB Atlas to authenticate using data passed from your IdP. Hope this helps, if...

Thanks @nkkowa yes this is on our roadmap to support and should be out later this year for Terraform support. Feel free to create a new issue if you need...