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JTAG/SWD debugger + UART adapter based on the Black Magic Probe firmware

Droneсode Probe

The Droneсode Probe is a generic JTAG/SWD + UART console adapter compatible with most ARM Cortex based designs and in particular with hardware maintained by the Droneсode project. It is a low-cost design with a BOM value around $10 and supported on all operating systems (Windows, Linux, Mac OS).

Documentation: https://kb.zubax.com/x/iIAh

3D model: https://a360.co/2DB6SOl

Key features

  • Firmware compatible to the Black Magic probe.
  • Does not require OpenOCD or other software to run GDB on Windows, Linux or Mac OS.
  • Better setup/usage experience compared to other JTAG probes.
  • Integrated USB-UART adapter for console access.
  • Solder-free support for common DroneCode cabling options:
    • ARM Mini 10pos standard header
    • DCD-M: DroneCode Debug connector medium
    • 6-pos DF13 console cable (Pixhawk 1.x)

Suggested packaging content

JST SH is required as minimum.


This project is licensed under the terms of CC-BY-SA.