Zoran Pandovski

Results 338 comments of Zoran Pandovski

Thanks @MinuraPunchihewa atm, we already support ML Flow, you can find more info [here](https://docs.mindsdb.com/custom-model/mlflow/?h=ml). But, you can still extend this for support of another framework.

Sure @voidbuf if you have any question let us know

@ersinesen Thanks for reporting, this is hard to reproduce. Did you try to stop/start MindsDB again?

Great, to start you can check https://docs.mindsdb.com/contribute/integrations/ and review the code of the handlers https://github.com/mindsdb/mindsdb/tree/staging/mindsdb/integrations/handlers. If you have more questions we can discuss this on slack

Hi @usman1234-glitch, no it wasn't, I will assign it to you.

Hi @UsmanDev09 did you start on this?

Hi @gattack can I ask why do you need to specify the columns types through USING? Is MindsDB detecting them wrong?

Thanks, just to clarify MindsDB removed(filtered) some of the columns or did it detects the column type wrong?

Closing, for now, @gattack if you still experience issues or need this resolved asap, feel free to reopen.