elementaryos-firefox-theme copied to clipboard
This theme for Firefox supports all the window buttons layouts from Tweaks and it blends into the elementary OS user interface.
An elementary OS theme for Firefox
🙏 Credits
Credits to Harvey Cabaguio for setting the theme up, Surendrajat, DRHAX34 and sempasha for the install script and the elementary team for the UI design and icons.
⬇️ Install
For now theme installation is supported for:
🦊 Firefox installed with apt package manager.
To install it run command
sudo apt install firefox
with your Terminal. - 🦊 Firefox Nightly installed with apt package manager.
- 🦊 Firefox 📦 Flatpak version.
- 🐺 Librewolf Appimage version.
- 🐺 Librewolf 📦 Flatpak version.
- 🧅 Tor Browser.
- 🧅 Tor Browser 📦 Flatpak version.
❗For best experience we recommend to use theme with Firefox installed with apt package manager. Other installations have limited support. We also welcome contributions like editing a userChrome, for example to make a fully supported other version possible. Thanks in advance.
Use this one line install script which let you select the window buttons layout you like:
bash <(wget --quiet --output-document - "https://raw.githubusercontent.com/Zonnev/elementaryos-firefox-theme/elementaryos-firefox-theme/install.sh")
Just copy the line to your terminal and press enter. Script also supports 10 different window controls layouts which you may choose with Pantheon Tweaks.
To force installation of Titlebar Enabled Theme, use script below:
bash <(wget --quiet --output-document - "https://raw.githubusercontent.com/Zonnev/elementaryos-firefox-theme/elementaryos-firefox-theme/install.sh") --native-titlebar yes
Installation script will also patch Firefox preference to enable native titlebar usage. Firefox doesn't use native titlebar by default.
To force installation of Private Mode Style, use script:
bash <(wget --quiet --output-document - "https://raw.githubusercontent.com/Zonnev/elementaryos-firefox-theme/elementaryos-firefox-theme/install.sh") --private-mode-style
This will make purple colors of Private Mode as default style.
➕ After installation
- In the customization panel in Firefox you can move the new tab button to the left and select System theme. You can also use the dark theme option but light theme is not supported.
- If you use Pantheon Tweaks with the dark mode on, the theme changes to dark mode by itself. Firefox 98 and newer are changing to dark mode when the elementary OS system dark mode is set.
🔁 Update
To update installed theme, use script
bash <(wget --quiet --output-document - "https://raw.githubusercontent.com/Zonnev/elementaryos-firefox-theme/elementaryos-firefox-theme/install.sh") --update