I use my data and the code is as follows results = detect_ts(c, max_anoms=0.2,longterm=False, direction='neg', only_last='day',e_value=True) My original data did not contain negative numbers,but some expected_value are negative.why?What is the...
hello,i don't konw why i run the code s = self.sum() assert(s>=0) K = len(self.p) for i in range(K): self.p[i] = (self.p[i] + smoother)/(s + K*smoother) An error occurred: File...
public ICTCLAS() : base() { } 在这一句时提示“System.Exception”类型的未经处理的异常在 Global.dll 中发生 其他信息: 相关组件方法加载失败:NLPIR.dll 是我配置有问题吗
Hi Rodrigo, When i try your code on google colab,an error occured. IndexError Traceback (most recent call last) in () 3 i = ee.Image('COPERNICUS/S2/20181122T142749_20181122T143353_T18GYT').clip(aoi) 4 grid = tools.image.toGrid(i, 3, geometry=aoi)...