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Is it possible to consider adding some method involve time scale?

Open hjjhh6 opened this issue 1 year ago • 0 comments

李博士 你好: 为了保证我的表述准确,请允许我先以中文叙述,后我会以英文再次叙述我的问题以保证讨论能被尽可能多的人理解。 考虑到大量的数据往往是存在时间动态的,但mgwr或gwr并没有解决这一点,而当前已有的广泛使用的模型gtwr考虑了时间但没有考虑不同自变量的多尺度问题,也因此有了mgtwr方法,该方法在github上同样有共享库(。 然而正如fastgwr方法所讨论的核心问题一样,我现在正试图处理百万级别时空Postion的数据,该方法的应用包括gtwr方法在内都要求几十t的内存,这无疑是不可能的。 请问是否可以在您的工具里添加gtwr方法或更进一步添加mgtwr方法? 谢谢你的阅读,期待您的回复。 Hello, Dr. Li. In order to make sure that my statement is accurate, please allow me to state my question in Chinese first, and then I will state my question again in English to ensure that the issue can be understood by as many people as possible. Considering that a large amount of data is often time-dynamic, mgwr or gwr does not solve this problem, and the existing widely used model gtwr considers time but does not consider the multi-scale problem of different independent variables, hence the mgtwr method. The method on making the same Shared library in github( However, as the core problem of the fastgwr method is discussed, I am now trying to deal with the data of the million-level space-time Postion, and the application of this method, including the gtwr method, requires tens of terabytes of memory, which is undoubtedly impossible. Is it possible to add gtwr methods to your tool or go further and add mgtwr methods? thanks. XIaoran Yin

hjjhh6 avatar Dec 17 '23 16:12 hjjhh6