Florian Zinggeler

Results 44 comments of Florian Zinggeler

In case someone finds this issue in search of a solution: You can use `--filetype=dot` to generate a `.dot` file. This has the advantage of not containing any fast changing...

I think it's also worth discussing changing `Math.VectorN.VecN` to `WebGL.Math.VecN` etc. via integrating just the constructors for these types into webgl directly. (kinda like I did [here](https://github.com/Zinggi/elm-webgl-types)). This way you...

I really like this idea. Make sure you don't forget your own stuff :grinning: [elm-street-404](https://github.com/zalando/elm-street-404) / [elm-mogee](https://github.com/w0rm/elm-mogee)

Something new for the list: https://zinggi.github.io/randomDemos/webgl/objLoader_modelViewer.html and http://package.elm-lang.org/packages/Zinggi/elm-obj-loader/latest

That is indeed a very strange behaviour. I'm sorry, but I don't know what's causing this, nor how to fix it. It's caused by the syntax definition file, but I...

Hi there :wave: Sorry if it isn't working for you. Unfortunately this project is ca. 7 years old and it's quite likely that stuff broke with newer Sublime versions. I...

Just a guess, maybe those files have some uncommon or custom language constructs and the parser somehow fails with these files? Are there any errors in the console that could...

I need some time to read through those changes and see if you've broken something ;-) What does the "?ide=1 " parameter do? Also this doesn't screw up [this](https://github.com/Zinggi/UnrealScriptIDE/pull/20), right?...

ahh this file is quite a mess -.-

Well this breaks the compile options for me (ctrl + alt + b). Could you try to tweak it again, so that it doesn't break anything? Or I can maybe...