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This repository is the central portal that collates together the contracts, documentations around them, unit tests, and scripts to deploy and run the contracts on the network.

Non-Custodial Seed Node Staking Contracts

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For phase 0 contracts, please refer to here.

Non-custodial seed node staking in Zilliqa as described in ZIP-11 makes use of four contracts written in Scilla. This repository is the central portal that collates together the contracts, documentations around them, unit tests, and scripts to deploy and run the contracts on the network.

In the sections below, we describe in detail: 1) the purpose of each contract, 2) their structure and specifications, 3) running unit tests for the contracts.

Table of Content

  • Overview
  • SSNList Contract Specification
    • Roles and Privileges
    • Data Types
    • Immutable Parameters
    • Mutable Fields
    • Transitions
      • Housekeeping Transitions
      • Delegator Transitions
      • SSN Operation Transitions
      • Verifier Operation Transitions
      • Contract Upgrade Transitions
      • Other Transitions
  • SSNListProxy Contract Specification
    • Roles and Privileges
    • Immutable Parameters
    • Mutable Fields
    • Transitions
      • Housekeeping Transitions
      • Relay Transitions
  • gZILToken Contract Specification
  • Multi-signature Wallet Contract Specification
    • General Flow
    • Roles and Privileges
    • Immutable Parameters
    • Mutable Fields
    • Transitions
      • Submit Transitions
      • Action Transitions


The table below summarizes the purpose of the four contracts that ZIP-11 will broadly use:

Contract Name File and Location Description
SSNList ssnlist.scilla The main contract that keeps track of Staked Seed Nodes aka SSNs, the delegators, the amount staked by a delegator with an SSN, and available rewards, etc.
SSNListProxy proxy.scilla A proxy contract that sits on top of the SSNList contract. Any call to the SSNList contract must come from SSNListProxy. This contract facilitates upgradeability of the SSNList contract in case a bug is found.
Wallet multisig_wallet.scilla A multisig wallet contract tailored to work with the SSNListproxy contract. Certain transitions in the SSNListProxy contract can only be invoked when k-out-of-n users have agreed to do so. This logic is handled using the Wallet contract.
gZILToken gzil.scilla A ZRC-2 compliant fungible token contract. gZIL tokens represent governance tokens. They are issued alongside staking rewards whenever a delegator withdraws her staking rewards.

SSNList Contract Specification

The SSNList contract is the main contract that is central to the entire staking infrastructure.

Roles and Privileges

The table below describes the roles and privileges that this contract defines:

Role Description & Privileges
ssn A registered SSN that provides the seed node service and gets rewarded for the service. An SSN can only be registered by the admin.
verifier An entity that checks the health of SSNs and rewards them accordingly for their service.
admin The administrator of the contract. admin is a multisig wallet contract (i.e., an instance of Wallet).
initiator The user who calls the SSNListProxy that in turns call the SSNList contract.
delegator A token holder who wishes to delegate her tokens to an SSN for staking. The delegator earns a portion of the reward that the SSN receives.

Data Types

The contract defines and uses several custom ADTs that we describe below:

  1. SSN Data Type:
type Ssn =
| Ssn of Bool Uint128 Uint128 String String String Uint128 Uint128 Uint128 ByStr20
(* Each SSN has the following fields: *)

(* ActiveStatus      : Bool *)
(*                     Represents whether the SSN has the minimum stake amount and therefore ready to participate in staking and receive rewards. *)
(* StakeAmount       : Uint128 *)
(*                     Total stake that can be used for reward calculation. *)
(* StakeRewards      : Uint128 *)
(*                     (Unwithdrawn) Reward accumulated so far across all cycles. It only includes the reward that the SSN can distribute to its delegators. It does not include SSN's own commission. *)
(* Name              : String *)
(*                     A human-readable name for this SSN. *)
(* URLRaw            : String *)
(*                     Represents "ip:port" of the SSN serving raw API requests. *)
(* URLApi            : String *)
(*                     Representing URL exposed by SSN serving public API requests. *)
(* BufferedDeposit   : Uint128 *)
(*                     Stake deposit that cannot be counted as a part of reward calculation for the ongoing reward cycle. But, to be considered for the next one. *)
(* Commission        : Uint128 *)
(*                     Percentage of incoming rewards that the SSN takes. Represented as an integer. If the commission is 10.5%, then it is multiplied by 10^7 and then resulting integer is set as commission. The assumption is that the percentage is up to 7 decimal places. *)
(* CommissionRewards : Uint128 *)
(*                     Number of ZILs earned as commission by the SSN. *)
(* ReceivingAddress   : ByStr20 *)
(*                     Address to be used to receive commission. *)
  1. SsnStakeRewardShare Data Type:
type SsnStakeRewardShare = 
| SsnStakeRewardShare of ByStr20 Uint128 Uint128
(*  SSNAddress        : ByStr20 *)
(*                      Address of the SSN. *)
(*  CycleReward       : Uint128 *)
(*                      Integer representation of reward assigned by the verifier to this SSN for this cycle. *)
(*  TotalStakeAmount  : Uint128 *)
(*                      Total stake amount at a specific cycle.                                               *)
  1. SSNCycleInfo Data Type:
type SSNCycleInfo =
| SSNCycleInfo of Uint128 Uint128
(*   Each SSNCycleInfo has the following fields: *)
(*   TotalStakeDuringTheCycle            : Uint128 *)
(*                                         Represents the amount staked during this cycle for the given SSN. *)
(*   TotalRewardEarnedDuringTheCycle     : Uint128 *)
(*                                         Represents the total reward earned during this cycle for the given SSN. *)
  1. Error Data Type:
type Error =
  | ContractFrozenFailure (* Contract is paused *)
  | VerifierValidationFailed (* Initiator is not verifier *)
  | AdminValidationFailed (* Initiator is not admin *)
  | ProxyValidationFailed (* Caller is not proxy *)
  | DelegDoesNotExistAtSSN (* Delegator does not exist at the given SSN *)
  | DelegHasBufferedDeposit (* Delegator has some buffered deposit. *)
  | ChangeCommError (* Commission could not be changed *)
  | SSNNotExist (* SSN does not exist *)
  | SSNAlreadyExist (* SSN already exists *)
  | DelegHasUnwithdrawnRewards (* Delegator has unwithdrawn Rewards *)
  | DelegHasNoSufficientAmt (* Delegator does not have sufficient amount to withdraw *)
  | SSNNoComm (* SSN has no commission left to withdraw *)
  | DelegStakeNotEnough (* Delegator's stake is not above minimum *)
  | ExceedMaxChangeRate (* SSN is trying to modify the commission rate by over 1% *)
  | ExceedMaxCommRate (* SSN is trying to set the commission rate greater than the allowed max *)
  | InvalidTotalAmt (* Error when the total stake amount is being decreased by an illegal amount *)
  | VerifierNotSet (* Verifier's address is not set in the field *)
  | VerifierRecvAddrNotSet (* Verifier's reward address address is not set in the field *)
  | ReDelegInvalidSSNAddr (* Delegator cannot redelegate to same SSN address *)
  | AvailableRewardsError (* Verifier reward does not match computed SSN reward *)
  | InvalidSwapAddr (* Swap address is invalid; either the address is does not match the one in the request map or the address does not exists  *)
  | SwapAddrValidationFailed (* Requestor swap address is different *)
  | SwapAddrAlreadyExistsAsRequest (* There exists another swap request that is the inverse of this swap address pair; causing a cyclic request *)

Immutable Parameters

The table below lists the parameters that are defined at the contract deployment time and hence cannot be changed later on.

Name Type Description
init_admin ByStr20 The initial admin of the contract.
init_proxy_address ByStr20 The initial address of the SSNListProxy contract.
init_gzil_address ByStr20 Address of the gZILToken contract.

Mutable Fields

The table below presents the mutable fields of the contract and their initial values.

Name Type Initial Value Description
ssnlist Map ByStr20 Ssn Emp ByStr20 Ssn Mapping between SSN addresses and the corresponding Ssn information.
comm_for_ssn Map ByStr20 (Map Uint32 Uint128) Emp ByStr20 (Map Uint32 Uint128) Map (SSNAddress -> Map (RewardCycleNum -> Commission)) This Map is not used for computing commission fee for an SSN. Its purpose is to act as a placeholder to prevent SSN operators from changing their commission rate multiple times within one reward cycle.
deposit_amt_deleg Map ByStr20 (Map ByStr20 Uint128) Emp ByStr20 (Map ByStr20 Uint128) Map (DelegatorAddress -> Map (SSNAddress -> AmoutDelegated))
ssn_deleg_amt Map ByStr20 (Map ByStr20 Uint128) Emp ByStr20 (Map ByStr20 Uint128) Map (SSNAddress -> Map (DelegatorAddress -> AmountDelegated)) This map does not affect any of the contract operation. It is introduced so that wallet developers can easily query the deposit amount given by a delegator.
buff_deposit_deleg Map ByStr20 (Map ByStr20 (Map Uint32 Uint128)) Emp ByStr20 (Map ByStr20 (Map Uint32 Uint128)) Map (DelegatorAddress -> Map (SSNAddress -> Map (RewardCycleNum -> BufferedStakeAmount)))
direct_deposit_deleg Map ByStr20 (Map ByStr20 (Map Uint32 Uint128)) Emp ByStr20 (Map ByStr20 (Map Uint32 Uint128)) Map (DelegatorAddress -> Map (SSNAddress -> Map (RewardCycleNum -> UnBufferedStakeAmount)))
last_withdraw_cycle_deleg Map ByStr20 (Map ByStr20 Uint32)) Emp ByStr20 (Map ByStr20 Uint32)) Map (DelegatorAddress -> Map (SSNAddress -> RewardCycleWhenLastWithdrawn)). For a new delegator that has never deposited any stake for this SSN, this field will store the reward cycle number during which the delegator successfully deposited its stake.
last_buf_deposit_cycle_deleg Map ByStr20 (Map ByStr20 Uint32)) Emp ByStr20 (Map ByStr20 Uint32)) Map (DelegatorAddress -> Map (SSNAddress -> RewardCycleWhenLastDeposited))
stake_ssn_per_cycle Map ByStr20 (Map Uint32 SSNCycleInfo)) Emp ByStr20 (Map Uint32 SSNCycleInfo)) Map (SSNAddress -> Map (RewardCycleNum -> SSNCycleInfo)). Note that this data type contains information that corresponds to the end of the cycle when the verifier has distributed the reward. It could therefore be different from the information stored in ssnlist particularly its stake field which gets updated in the middle of a cycle.
withdrawal_pending Map ByStr20 (Map BNum Uint128) Emp ByStr20 (Map BNum Uint128) Map (DelegatorAddress -> (BlockNumberWhenRewardWithdrawalRequested -> Amount ))
deleg_swap_request Map ByStr20 ByStr20 Emp ByStr20 ByStr20 Map (DelegatorAddress_A -> DelegatorAddress_B) This map stores requestor and recipient addresses that are involved in the swap requests.
bnum_req Uint128 Uin128 24000 Bonding period in terms of number of blocks. Set to be equivalent to 14 days.
verifier Option ByStr20 None {ByStr20} The address of the verifier.
verifier_receiving_addr Option ByStr20 None {ByStr20} The address to receive verifier's rewards.
minstake Uint128 Uin128 10000000000000000000 Minimum stake required to activate an SSN (1 mil ZIL expressed in Qa, where 1 ZIL = 10^12 Qa).
mindelegstake Uint128 Uin128 10000000000000 Minimum stake for a delegator (10 ZIL expressed in Qa where 1 ZIL = 10^12 Qa).
contractadmin ByStr20 init_admin Address of the administrator of this contract.
proxyaddr ByStr20 init_proxy_address Address of the proxy contract.
gziladdr ByStr20 init_gzil_address Address of the gzil contract.
lastrewardcycle Uint32 Uint32 1 The block number when the last reward was distributed.
paused ByStr20 True A flag to record the paused status of the contract. Certain transitions in the contract cannot be invoked when the contract is paused.
maxcommchangerate Uint128 Uint128 1 The maximum rate change that an SSN is allowed to make across cycles. Set to 1%.
maxcommrate Uint128 Uint128 1000000000 The maximum commission rate that an SSN can charge. Set to 100% but represented as an integer multiplied by 10^7. This prevents SSN from setting commission beyond 100%.
totalstakeamount Uint128 Uint128 0 The total amount (in Qa) that is currently staked in the contract. It only corresponds to the stake with active SSNs that is unbuffered and therefore can be taken into account for reward calculation.


Note that each of the transitions in the SSNList contract takes initiator as a parameter which as explained above is the caller that calls the SSNListProxy contract which in turn calls the SSNList contract.

Note: No transition in the SSNList contract can be invoked directly. Any call to the SSNList contract must come from the SSNListProxy contract.

All the transitions in the contract can be categorized into four categories:

  • Housekeeping Transitions: Meant to facilitate basic admin-related tasks.
  • Delegator Transitions: The transitions that the delegators will invoke as a part of the SSN operation.
  • SSN Transitions: The transitions that the SSNs will invoke as a part of the SSN operation.
  • Verifier Transitions: The transitions that the verifier will invoke as a part of the SSN operation.

Each of these category of transitions are presented in further detail below.

Housekeeping Transitions

Name Params Description Callable when paused? Callable when not paused?
Pause initiator : ByStr20 Pause the contract temporarily to stop any critical transition from being invoked.
:warning: Note: initiator must be the current contractadmin of the contract.
:heavy_check_mark: :heavy_check_mark:
Unpause initiator : ByStr20 Un-pause the contract to re-allow the invocation of all transitions.
:warning: Note: initiator must be the current contractadmin of the contract.
:heavy_check_mark: :heavy_check_mark:
UpdateAdmin admin : ByStr20, initiator : ByStr20 Set a new stagingcontractadmin by admin.
:warning: Note: initiator must be the current contractadmin of the contract.
:heavy_check_mark: :heavy_check_mark:
ClaimAdmin initiator : ByStr20 Claim to be new contract admin.
:warning: Note: initiator must be the current stagingcontractadmin of the contract.
:heavy_check_mark: :heavy_check_mark:
UpdateVerifier verif : ByStr20, initiator : ByStr20 Replace the current verifier by verif.
:warning: Note: initiator must be the current contractadmin of the contract.
:heavy_check_mark: :heavy_check_mark:
UpdateVerifierRewardAddr addr : ByStr20, initiator : ByStr20 Replace the current reward receiving address verifier_receiving_addr for the verifier by addr. Since the verifier is currently run by Zilliqa Research, its receiving address is currently updated by the admin not the verifier itself.
:warning: Note: initiator must be the current contractadmin of the contract.
:heavy_check_mark: :heavy_check_mark:
UpdateStakingParameters min_stake: ByStr20, min_deleg_stake : Uint128, max_comm_change_rate : Uint128, initiator : ByStr20 Replace the current values of the fields minstake, mindelegstake, and maxcommchangerate to the input values.
:warning: Note: initiator must be the current contractadmin of the contract.
:heavy_check_mark: :heavy_check_mark:
ChangeBNumReq input_bnum_req : Uint128, initiator : ByStr20 Replace the current value of the field bnum_req.
:warning: Note: initiator must be the current contractadmin of the contract.
:heavy_check_mark: :heavy_check_mark:
UpdateGzilAddr gzil_addr : ByStr20, initiator : ByStr20 Replace the gZIL token contract (gziladdr) by the input values.
:warning: Note: initiator must be the current contractadmin of the contract.
:heavy_check_mark: :heavy_check_mark:
AddSSN ssnaddr : ByStr20, name : String, urlraw : String, urlapi : String, comm : Uint128, initiator : ByStr20 Add a new SSN to the list of available SSNs with the input values. The transition will create a value of type Ssn using the input values and add it to the ssnlist map. Since, this SSN is new, the status field in Ssn type will be False. Similarly, the fields stake_amt, rewards, buff_deposit, comm_rewards in the ssn type will be set to 0. The transition will emit a success event to signal the addition of the new SSN. The event will emit the address of the new SSN.
:warning: Note: initiator must be the current contractadmin of the contract.
:heavy_check_mark: :heavy_check_mark:
UpdateSSN ssnaddr : ByStr20, new_name : String, new_urlraw : String, new_urlapi : String, initiator : ByStr20 Update name, urlraw and urlapi of a given SSN.
:warning: Note: initiator must be the current contractadmin of the contract.
:heavy_check_mark: :heavy_check_mark:
CleanBuffDeposit deleg_addr_list : List ByStr20, ssn_addr_list : List (Pair ByStr20 ByStr20), initiator : ByStr20 Delete empty "{}" maps for buff_deposit_deleg. deleg_addr_list is the list of delegators' addresses that have empty inner SSN maps. ssn_addr_list is a pair of delegator and SSN address that have empty inner deposit maps. To be invoked with staking-tool script
:warning: Note: initiator must be the current contractadmin of the contract.
:heavy_check_mark: :heavy_check_mark:
CleanDirectDeposit deleg_addr_list : List ByStr20, ssn_addr_list : List (Pair ByStr20 ByStr20), initiator : ByStr20 Delete empty "{}" maps for direct_deposit_deleg. To be invoked with staking-tool script
:warning: Note: initiator must be the current contractadmin of the contract.
:heavy_check_mark: :heavy_check_mark:
CleanDelegStakePerCycle deleg_addr_list : List ByStr20, ssn_addr_list : List (Pair ByStr20 ByStr20), initiator : ByStr20 Delete empty "{}" maps for deleg_stake_per_cycle. To be invoked with staking-tool script
:warning: Note: initiator must be the current contractadmin of the contract.
:heavy_check_mark: :heavy_check_mark:
CleanDepositAmt deleg_addr_list : List ByStr20, initiator : ByStr20 Delete empty "{}" maps for deposit_amt_deleg. deleg_addr_list is the list of delegators' addresses that have empty inner maps. To be invoked with staking-tool script
:warning: Note: initiator must be the current contractadmin of the contract.
:heavy_check_mark: :heavy_check_mark:
CleanPendingWithdrawal deleg_addr_list : List ByStr20, initiator : ByStr20 Delete empty "{}" maps for withdrawal_pending. To be invoked with staking-tool script
:warning: Note: initiator must be the current contractadmin of the contract.
:heavy_check_mark: :heavy_check_mark:
CleanLastWithdrawCycle deleg_addr_list : List ByStr20, initiator : ByStr20 Delete empty "{}" maps for last_withdraw_cycle_deleg. To be invoked with staking-tool script
:warning: Note: initiator must be the current contractadmin of the contract.
:heavy_check_mark: :heavy_check_mark:
CleanLastBuffDepositCycle deleg_addr_list : List ByStr20, initiator : ByStr20 Delete empty "{}" maps for last_buf_deposit_cycle_deleg. To be invoked with staking-tool script
:warning: Note: initiator must be the current contractadmin of the contract.
:heavy_check_mark: :heavy_check_mark:

Delegator Transitions

Name Params Description Callable when paused? Callable when not paused?
DelegateStake ssnaddr : ByStr20, initiator : ByStr20 To delegate the stake to an SSN. initiator is the address of the delegator. The stake being delegated is captured in the implicit field _amount. In case of failure to accept the stake, an exception will be thrown and the transaction will be reverted. This stake will be buffered if the SSN is already active else it will be added to the stake pool of the SSN. This transition must update the following fields accordingly: ssnlist (with the updated buffered stake or unbuffered stake), deposit_amt_deleg and ssn_deleg_amt (with the amount deposited by the delegator), buff_deposit_deleg (with the amount deposited in case the SSN was active), direct_deposit_deleg (with the amount deposited in case the SSN was inactive), last_withdraw_cycle_deleg (to record the reward cycle number when the deposit was made for first-time delegators) and last_buf_deposit_cycle_deleg (to record the reward cycle number in case the SSN was active and the stake ended up as buffered deposit). The transition should throw an error in case the amount being delegated is less than mindelegstake.
WithdrawStakeRewards ssnaddr : ByStr20, initiator : ByStr20 To withdraw stake rewards from a given SSN. initiator is the address of the delegator. Reward to be given to a delegator can be computed on-the-fly proportional to its unbuffered stake in each cycle. I.e., if the delegator's unbuffered stake at this SSN in a given cycle is d and the total unbuffered stake across all SSNs is D, and the total reward available for all SSNs is R, then the reward earned by this delegator for the cycle will be (R * d)/D. When a delegator calls this transition, the reward is computed for all cycles i such that lastWithdrawnCycle < i <= lastrewardcycle. The transition also mints gZILs and assigns them to the delegator's address. For every ZIL earned as reward, the delegator will earn 0.001 gZIL.
WithdrawStakeAmt ssnaddr : ByStr20, amt : Uint128, initiator : ByStr20 To withdraw stake amount from a given SSN. initiator is the address of the delegator. No stake amount can be withdrawn if the delegator has unwithdrawn reward or buffered deposit. If the amount withdrawn is less than or equal to the stake deposited, then the withdrawal request is accepted and the field withdrawal_pending is updated accordingly. A delegator may request multiple withdrawals in the same cycle. Once this transition is called, the delegator enters into an unbonding period of 24,000 blocks. Only at the expiry of the unbonding period, the delegator can claim the funds via CompleteWithdrawal transition. During the unbonding period, the delegator will not earn any reward.
CompleteWithdrawal initiator : ByStr20 This is to be called after the delegator has called WithdrawStakeAmt. initiator is the address of the delegator. The transition processing all the pending withdrawals as recorded in withdrawal_pending. Only those pending requests for which the bonding period has expired will be processed. Upon success, all the funds get transferred from the contract to the initiator.
ReDelegateStake ssnaddr: ByStr20, to_ssn: ByStr20, amount: Uint128, initiator: ByStr20 To re-delagate the stake from a SSN to another SSN. initiator is the address of the delegator. ssnaddr is the original SSN, to_ssn is the new SSN the delegator wants to delegate to. The re-delegate amount is specificed by amount.
RequestDelegatorSwap new_deleg_addr: ByStr20, initiator: ByStr20 Creates a request to another delegator to indicate transferring all existing stakes, rewards, etc., to this new delegator. initiator is the address of the delegator who wants to transfer his/her stakes. new_deleg_addr is the address of the recipient that would be receiving all the staked amount, rewards, pending withdrawals, etc., of the initiator (original owner). The initiator is allowed to change the recipient by sending the request with another new_deleg_addr. The initiator can also revoke the request via RevokeDelegatorSwap. On the recipient end, the new_deleg_addr can either ConfirmDelegatorSwap to accept the swap or RejectDelegatorSwap to reject the swap. To avoid either parties from gaining or losing rewards after the swap, both parties must not have buffered deposits or unwithdrawn rewards at the time of request and confirming. Also, the initiator is not allowed to make a request to new_deleg_addr if there is an existing request made by new_deleg_addr to the initiator; i.e., if there exists a A -> B request, then B cannot make a request to A unless B accepts or rejects the existing request first. However, B can make other swap requests to other delegators. Change is irreversible once the recipient accepts the swap request, please be cautious of the new_deleg_addr.
RevokeDelegatorSwap initiator: ByStr20 Revokes a swap request. This is used only by the initiator who has made an existing swap request and wishes to cancel it.
ConfirmDelegatorSwap requestor: ByStr20, initiator: ByStr20 Accepts a swap request from a requestor. initiator is the new delegator that would be inheriting all the staked amount, withdrawals, rewards from requestor. requestor is the delegator who has initiated a swap request via RequestDelegatorSwap. To avoid either parties from gaining or losing rewards after the swap, both parties must not have buffered deposits or unwithdrawn rewards at the time of comfirming.
RejectDelegatorSwap requestor: ByStr20, initiator: ByStr20 Rejects a swap request from a requestor. Once rejected, the requestor must create the swap request again if he/she wishes to revert the rejection. initiator is the new delegator that would be inheriting all the staked amount, withdrawals, rewards from requestor. requestor is the delegator who has initiated a swap request via RequestDelegatorSwap.

SSN Operation Transitions

Name Params Description Callable when paused? Callable when not paused?
UpdateComm new_rate : Uint128, initiator : ByStr20 To update the commission rate. initiator is the SSN operator. An operator cannot update twice in the same cycle. The new_rate must also be less that the field maxcommrate and the change in the rate compared from the old one must be less than or equal to maxcommchangerate.
WithdrawComm initiator : ByStr20 To withdraw the commission earned. initiator is the SSN operator. On success, the contract transfer the commission to the receiving address.
UpdateReceivingAddr new_addr : ByStr20, initiator : ByStr20 To update the commission receiving address for the SSN. initiator is the address of the SSN.

Verifier Operation Transitions

Name Params Description Callable when paused? Callable when not paused?
AssignStakeReward ssnreward_list : List (Pair ByStr20 Uint128), initiator : ByStr20 To assign reward to each SSN for this cycle. ssnreward_list contains the reward factor for each SSN. In more precise terms, it contains the value (floor((NumberOfDSEpochsInCurrentCycle x 110,000 x VerificationPassed))). This input is then multiplied by (floor(TotalStakeAtSSN / TotalStakeAcrossAllSSNs)) to compute the reward earned by each SSN. initiator is the verifier. The _amount contains the rewards for all SSN as well as verifier. Post this call, any buffered deposit with any SSN must be converted to unbuffered stake deposit. The commission earned by the SSNs must also get updated.

Contract Upgrade Transitions

Name Params Description Callable when paused? Callable when not paused?
AddSSNAfterUpgrade ssnaddr: ByStr20, stake_amt: Uint128, rewards: Uint128, name: String, urlraw: String, urlapi: String, buff_deposit: Uint128, comm: Uint128, comm_rewards: Uint128, rec_addr: ByStr20, initiator: ByStr20 To add a new SSN to the contract.
:warning: Note: initiator must be the current contractadmin of the contract.
:heavy_check_mark: :heavy_check_mark:
UpdateDeleg ssnaddr: ByStr20, deleg : ByStr20, stake_amt: Uint128, initiator: ByStr20 To add or remove a delegator for an SSN.
:warning: Note: initiator must be the current contractadmin of the contract.
:heavy_check_mark: :heavy_check_mark:
PopulateStakeSSNPerCycle ssn_addr: ByStr20, cycle: Uint32, totalAmt: Uint128, rewards: Uint128, initiator: ByStr20 To populate stake_ssn_per_cycle map.
:warning: Note: initiator must be the current contractadmin of the contract.
PopulateLastWithdrawCycleForDeleg deleg_addr: ByStr20, ssn_addr: ByStr20, cycle: Uint32, initiator: ByStr20 To populate last_withdraw_cycle_deleg map.
:warning: Note: initiator must be the current contractadmin of the contract.
PopulateLastBufDepositCycleDeleg deleg_addr: ByStr20, ssn_addr: ByStr20, cycle: Uint32, initiator: ByStr20 To populate last_buf_deposit_cycle_deleg map.
:warning: Note: initiator must be the current contractadmin of the contract.
PopulateBuffDeposit deleg_addr: ByStr20, ssn_addr: ByStr20, cycle: Uint32, amt: Uint128, initiator: ByStr20 To populate buff_deposit_deleg map.
:warning: Note: initiator must be the current contractadmin of the contract.
PopulateDepositAmtDeleg deleg_addr: ByStr20, ssn_addr: ByStr20, amt: Uint128, initiator: ByStr20 To populate deposit_amt_deleg and ssn_deleg_amt map.
:warning: Note: initiator must be the current contractadmin of the contract.
PopulateDelegStakePerCycle deleg_addr: ByStr20, ssn_addr: ByStr20, cycle: Uint32, amt: Uint128, initiator: ByStr20 To populate deleg_stake_per_cycle map.
:warning: Note: initiator must be the current contractadmin of the contract.
PopulateLastRewardCycle cycle: Uint32, initiator: ByStr20 To populate lastrewardcycle .
:warning: Note: initiator must be the current contractadmin of the contract.
PopulateDirectDeposit deleg_addr: ByStr20, ssn_addr: ByStr20, cycle: Uint32, amt: Uint128, initiator: ByStr20 To populate direct_deposit_deleg map.
:warning: Note: initiator must be the current contractadmin of the contract.
PopulateCommForSSN ssn_addr: ByStr20, cycle: Uint32, comm: Uint128, initiator: ByStr20 To populate comm_for_ssn map.
:warning: Note: initiator must be the current contractadmin of the contract.
PopulateTotalStakeAmt amt: Uint128, initiator: ByStr20 To populate totalstakeamount field.
:warning: Note: initiator must be the current contractadmin of the contract.
PopulateDelegSwapRequest requestor: ByStr20, new_deleg_addr: ByStr20, initiator: ByStr20 To populate deleg_swap_Request field.
:warning: Note: initiator must be the current contractadmin of the contract.

Contract State Migration Transitions

Name Params Description Callable when paused? Callable when not paused?
MigrateCommForSsn initiator : ByStr20, keys : List ByStr20, old_contract : ByStr20 with contract field comm_for_ssn: Map ByStr20 (Map Uint32 Uint128) end To migrate the map comm_for_ssn from the old contract to a new contract via the remote state read feature. keys is the list of external keys in the map, i.e. comm_for_ssn[key]
:warning: Note: initiator must be the current contractadmin of the contract.
MigrateDepositAmtDeleg initiator : ByStr20, keys : List ByStr20, old_contract : ByStr20 with contract field deposit_amt_deleg: Map ByStr20 (Map ByStr20 Uint128) end To migrate the map deposit_amt_deleg from the old contract to a new contract via the remote state read feature. keys is the list of external keys in the map, i.e. deposit_amt_deleg[key]
:warning: Note: initiator must be the current contractadmin of the contract.
MigrateSsnDelegAmt initiator : ByStr20, keys : List ByStr20, old_contract : ByStr20 with contract field ssn_deleg_amt: Map ByStr20 (Map ByStr20 Uint128) end To migrate the map ssn_deleg_amt from the old contract to a new contract via the remote state read feature. keys is the list of external keys in the map, i.e. ssn_deleg_amt[key]
:warning: Note: initiator must be the current contractadmin of the contract.
MigrateBuffDepositDeleg initiator : ByStr20, keys : List ByStr20, old_contract : ByStr20 with contract field buff_deposit_deleg: Map ByStr20 (Map ByStr20 (Map Uint32 Uint128)) end To migrate the map buff_deposit_deleg from the old contract to a new contract via the remote state read feature. keys is the list of external keys in the map, i.e. buff_deposit_deleg[key]
:warning: Note: initiator must be the current contractadmin of the contract.
MigrateDirectDepositDeleg initiator : ByStr20, keys : List ByStr20, old_contract : ByStr20 with contract field direct_deposit_deleg: Map ByStr20 (Map ByStr20 (Map Uint32 Uint128)) end To migrate the map direct_deposit_deleg from the old contract to a new contract via the remote state read feature. keys is the list of external keys in the map, i.e. direct_deposit_deleg[key]
:warning: Note: initiator must be the current contractadmin of the contract.
MigrateLastWithdrawCycleDeleg initiator : ByStr20, keys : List ByStr20, old_contract : ByStr20 with contract field last_withdraw_cycle_deleg: Map ByStr20 (Map ByStr20 Uint32) end To migrate the map last_withdraw_cycle_deleg from the old contract to a new contract via the remote state read feature. keys is the list of external keys in the map, i.e. last_withdraw_cycle_deleg[key]
:warning: Note: initiator must be the current contractadmin of the contract.
MigrateLastBufDepositCycleDeleg initiator : ByStr20, keys : List ByStr20, old_contract : ByStr20 with contract field last_buf_deposit_cycle_deleg: Map ByStr20 (Map ByStr20 Uint32) end To migrate the map last_buf_deposit_cycle_deleg from the old contract to a new contract via the remote state read feature. keys is the list of external keys in the map, i.e. last_buf_deposit_cycle_deleg[key]
:warning: Note: initiator must be the current contractadmin of the contract.
MigrateDelegStakePerCycle initiator : ByStr20, keys : List ByStr20, old_contract : ByStr20 with contract field deleg_stake_per_cycle: Map ByStr20 (Map ByStr20 (Map Uint32 Uint128)) end To migrate the map deleg_stake_per_cycle from the old contract to a new contract via the remote state read feature. keys is the list of external keys in the map, i.e. deleg_stake_per_cycle[key]
:warning: Note: initiator must be the current contractadmin of the contract.
MigrateWithdrawalPending initiator : ByStr20, keys : List ByStr20, old_contract : ByStr20 with contract field withdrawal_pending: Map ByStr20 (Map BNum Uint128) end To migrate the map withdrawal_pending from the old contract to a new contract via the remote state read feature. keys is the list of external keys in the map, i.e. withdrawal_pending[key]
:warning: Note: initiator must be the current contractadmin of the contract.

Other Transitions

Name Params Description Callable when paused? Callable when not paused?
AddFunds initiator : ByStr20 To add funds to the contract. Anyone should be able to add funds to the contract. :heavy_check_mark: :heavy_check_mark:

SSNListProxy Contract Specification

SSNListProxy contract is a relay contract that redirects calls to it to the SSNList contract.

Roles and Privileges

The table below describes the roles and privileges that this contract defines:

Role Description & Privileges
init_admin The initial admin of the contract which is usually the creator of the contract. init_admin is also the initial value of admin.
admin Current admin of the contract initialized to init_admin. Certain critical actions can only be performed by the admin, e.g., changing the current implementation of the SSNList contract.
initiator The user who calls the SSNListProxy contract that in turn calls the SSNList contract.

Immutable Parameters

The table below lists the parameters that are defined at the contract deployment time and hence cannot be changed later on.

Name Type Description
init_implementation ByStr20 The address of the SSNList contract.
init_admin ByStr20 The address of the admin.

Mutable Fields

The table below presents the mutable fields of the contract and their initial values.

Name Type Initial Value Description
implementation ByStr20 init_implementation Address of the current implementation of the SSNList contract.
admin ByStr20 init_owner Current admin of the contract.


All the transitions in the contract can be categorized into two categories:

  • Housekeeping Transitions meant to facilitate basic admin related tasks.
  • Relay Transitions to redirect calls to the SSNList contract.

Housekeeping Transitions

Name Params Description
UpgradeTo newImplementation : ByStr20 Change the current implementation address of the SSNList contract.
:warning: Note: Only the admin can invoke this transition
ChangeProxyAdmin newAdmin : ByStr20 Change the current stagingadmin of the contract.
:warning: Note: Only the admin can invoke this transition.
ClaimProxyAdmin `` Change the current admin of the contract.
:warning: Note: Only the stagingadmin can invoke this transition.

Relay Transitions

These transitions are meant to redirect calls to the corresponding SSNList contract. While redirecting, the contract prepares the initiator value that is the address of the caller of the SSNListProxy contract. The signature of transitions in the two contracts is exactly the same expect the added last parameter initiator for the SSNList contract.

Transition signature in the SSNListProxy contract Target transition in the SSNList contract
Pause() Pause(initiator : ByStr20)
UnPause() UnPause(initiator : ByStr20)
UpdateAdmin(new_admin: ByStr20) UpdateAdmin(admin: ByStr20, initiator : ByStr20)
ClaimAdmin() ClaimAdmin(initiator : ByStr20)
UpdateVerifier(verif : ByStr20) UpdateVerifier (verif : ByStr20, initiator: ByStr20)
UpdateVerifierRewardAddr(addr: ByStr20) UpdateVerifierRewardAddr(addr: ByStr20, initiator : ByStr20)
UpdateStakingParameters(min_stake: Uint128, min_deleg_stake: Uint128, max_comm_change_rate: Uint128) UpdateStakingParameters(min_stake: Uint128, min_deleg_stake: Uint128, max_comm_change_rate: Uint128, initiator : ByStr20)
ChangeBNumReq(input_bnum_req: Uint128) ChangeBNumReq(input_bnum_req: Uint128, initiator : ByStr20)
UpdateGzilAddr(gzil_addr: ByStr20) UpdateGzilAddr(gzil_addr: ByStr20, initiator : ByStr20)
AddSSN(ssnaddr: ByStr20, name: String, urlraw: String, urlapi: String, comm: Uint128) AddSSN(ssnaddr: ByStr20, name: String, urlraw: String, urlapi: String, comm: Uint128, initiator : ByStr20)
UpdateSSN(ssnaddr: ByStr20, new_name: String, new_urlraw: String, new_urlapi: String) UpdateSSN(ssnaddr: ByStr20, new_name: String, new_urlraw: String, new_urlapi: String, initiator : ByStr20)
UpdateComm(new_rate: Uint128) UpdateComm(new_rate: Uint128, initiator : ByStr20)
WithdrawComm() WithdrawComm(initiator : ByStr20)
UpdateReceivingAddr(new_addr: ByStr20) UpdateReceivingAddr(new_addr: ByStr20, initiator : ByStr20)
DelegateStake(ssnaddr: ByStr20) DelegateStake(ssnaddr: ByStr20, initiator : ByStr20)
WithdrawStakeRewards(ssnaddr: ByStr20) WithdrawStakeRewards(ssnaddr: ByStr20, initiator : ByStr20)
WithdrawStakeAmt(ssnaddr: ByStr20, amt: Uint128) WithdrawStakeAmt(ssnaddr: ByStr20, amt: Uint128, initiator : ByStr20)
CompleteWithdrawal() CompleteWithdrawal(initiator : ByStr20)
ReDelegateStake(ssnaddr : ByStr20, to_ssn : ByStr20, amount : Uint128) ReDelegateStake(ssnaddr : ByStr20, to_ssn : ByStr20, amount : Uint128, initiator : ByStr20)
RequestDelegatorSwap(new_deleg_addr: ByStr20) RequestDelegatorSwap(new_deleg_addr: ByStr20, initiator: ByStr20)
RevokeDelegatorSwap() RevokeDelegatorSwap(initiator: ByStr20)
ConfirmDelegatorSwap(requestor: ByStr20) ConfirmDelegatorSwap(requestor: ByStr20, initiator: ByStr20)
RejectDelegatorSwap(requestor: ByStr20) RejectDelegatorSwap(requestor: ByStr20, initiator: ByStr20)
AssignStakeReward(ssnreward_list: List (Pair ByStr20 Uint128)) AssignStakeReward(ssnreward_list: List (Pair ByStr20 Uint128), initiator : ByStr20)
AddFunds() AddFunds(initiator : ByStr20)
AddSSNAfterUpgrade(ssnaddr: ByStr20, stake_amt: Uint128, rewards: Uint128, name: String, urlraw: String, urlapi: String, buff_deposit: Uint128, comm: Uint128, comm_rewards: Uint128, rec_addr: ByStr20) AddSSNAfterUpgrade(ssnaddr: ByStr20, stake_amt: Uint128, rewards: Uint128, name: String, urlraw: String, urlapi: String, buff_deposit: Uint128, comm: Uint128, comm_rewards: Uint128, rec_addr: ByStr20, initiator : ByStr20)
AddSSNAfterUpgrade(ssnaddr: ByStr20, stake_amt: Uint128, rewards: Uint128, name: String, urlraw: String, urlapi: String, buff_deposit: Uint128, comm: Uint128, comm_rewards: Uint128, rec_addr: ByStr20) AddSSNAfterUpgrade(ssnaddr: ByStr20, stake_amt: Uint128, rewards: Uint128, name: String, urlraw: String, urlapi: String, buff_deposit: Uint128, comm: Uint128, comm_rewards: Uint128, rec_addr: ByStr20, initiator : ByStr20)
UpdateDeleg(ssnaddr: ByStr20, deleg: ByStr20, stake_amt: Uint128) UpdateDeleg(ssnaddr: ByStr20, deleg: ByStr20, stake_amt: Uint128, initiator : ByStr20)
PopulateStakeSSNPerCycle(ssn_addr: ByStr20, cycle: Uint32, totalAmt: Uint128, rewards: Uint128) PopulateStakeSSNPerCycle(ssn_addr: ByStr20, cycle: Uint32, totalAmt: Uint128, rewards: Uint128, initiator : ByStr20)
PopulateLastWithdrawCycleForDeleg(deleg_addr: ByStr20, ssn_addr: ByStr20, cycle: Uint32) PopulateLastWithdrawCycleForDeleg(deleg_addr : ByStr20, ssn_addr: ByStr20, cycle: Uint32, initiator : ByStr20)
PopulateLastBufDepositCycleDeleg(deleg_addr: ByStr20, ssn_addr: ByStr20, cycle: Uint32) PopulateLastBufDepositCycleDeleg(deleg_addr : ByStr20, ssn_addr: ByStr20, cycle: Uint32, initiator : ByStr20)
PopulateBuffDeposit(deleg_addr: ByStr20, ssn_addr: ByStr20, cycle: Uint32, amt: Uint128) PopulateBuffDeposit(deleg_addr: ByStr20, ssn_addr: ByStr20, cycle: Uint32, amt: Uint128, initiator : ByStr20)
PopulateDirectDeposit(deleg_addr: ByStr20, ssn_addr: ByStr20, cycle: Uint32, amt: Uint128) PopulateDirectDeposit(deleg_addr: ByStr20, ssn_addr: ByStr20, cycle: Uint32, amt: Uint128, initiator : ByStr20)
PopulateDepositAmtDeleg(deleg_addr: ByStr20, ssn_addr: ByStr20, amt: Uint128) PopulateDepositAmtDeleg(deleg_addr: ByStr20, ssn_addr: ByStr20, amt: Uint128, initiator : ByStr20)
PopulateDelegStakePerCycle(deleg_addr: ByStr20, ssn_addr: ByStr20, cycle: Uint32, amt: Uint128) PopulateDelegStakePerCycle(deleg_addr: ByStr20, ssn_addr: ByStr20, cycle: Uint32, amt: Uint128, initiator : ByStr20)
PopulateLastRewardCycle(cycle: Uint32) PopulateLastRewardCycle(cycle: Uint32, initiator : ByStr20)
PopulateCommForSSN(ssn_addr: ByStr20, cycle: Uint32, comm: Uint128) PopulateCommForSSN(ssn_addr: ByStr20, cycle: Uint32, comm: Uint128, initiator : ByStr20)
PopulateTotalStakeAmt(amt: Uint128) PopulateTotalStakeAmt(amt: Uint128, initiator : ByStr20)
PopulateDelegSwapRequest(requestor: ByStr20, new_deleg_addr: ByStr20) PopulateDelegSwapRequest(requestor: ByStr20, new_deleg_addr: ByStr20, initiator: ByStr20)
DrainContractBalance(amt: Uint128) DrainContractBalance(amt: Uint128, initiator : ByStr20)
CleanBuffDeposit(deleg_addr_list: List ByStr20, ssn_addr_list: List (Pair ByStr20 ByStr20)) CleanBuffDeposit(deleg_addr_list: List ByStr20, ssn_addr_list: List (Pair ByStr20 ByStr20), initiator: ByStr20)
CleanDirectDeposit(deleg_addr_list: List ByStr20, ssn_addr_list: List (Pair ByStr20 ByStr20)) CleanDirectDeposit(deleg_addr_list: List ByStr20, ssn_addr_list: List (Pair ByStr20 ByStr20), initiator: ByStr20)
CleanDelegStakePerCycle(deleg_addr_list: List ByStr20, ssn_addr_list: List (Pair ByStr20 ByStr20)) CleanDelegStakePerCycle(deleg_addr_list: List ByStr20, ssn_addr_list: List (Pair ByStr20 ByStr20), initiator: ByStr20)
CleanDepositAmt(deleg_addr_list: List ByStr20) CleanDepositAmt(deleg_addr_list: List ByStr20, initiator: ByStr20)
CleanPendingWithdrawal(deleg_addr_list: List ByStr20) CleanPendingWithdrawal(deleg_addr_list: List ByStr20, initiator: ByStr20)
CleanLastWithdrawCycle(deleg_addr_list: List ByStr20) CleanLastWithdrawCycle(deleg_addr_list: List ByStr20, initiator: ByStr20)
CleanLastBuffDepositCycle(deleg_addr_list: List ByStr20) CleanLastBuffDepositCycle(deleg_addr_list: List ByStr20, initiator: ByStr20)
MigrateCommForSsn(keys: List ByStr20, old_contract: ByStr20) MigrateCommForSsn(initiator: ByStr20, keys: List ByStr20, old_contract: ByStr20 with contract field comm_for_ssn: Map ByStr20 (Map Uint32 Uint128) end
MigrateDepositAmtDeleg(keys: List ByStr20, old_contract: ByStr20) MigrateDepositAmtDeleg(initiator: ByStr20, keys: List ByStr20, old_contract: ByStr20 with contract field deposit_amt_deleg: Map ByStr20 (Map ByStr20 Uint128) end
MigrateSsnDelegAmt(keys: List ByStr20, old_contract: ByStr20) MigrateSsnDelegAmt(initiator: ByStr20, keys: List ByStr20, old_contract: ByStr20 with contract field ssn_deleg_amt: Map ByStr20 (Map ByStr20 Uint128) end
MigrateBuffDepositDeleg(keys: List ByStr20, old_contract: ByStr20) MigrateBuffDepositDeleg(initiator: ByStr20, keys: List ByStr20, old_contract: ByStr20 with contract field buff_deposit_deleg: Map ByStr20 (Map ByStr20 (Map Uint32 Uint128)) end
MigrateDirectDepositDeleg(keys: List ByStr20, old_contract: ByStr20) MigrateDirectDepositDeleg(initiator: ByStr20, keys: List ByStr20, old_contract: ByStr20 with contract field direct_deposit_deleg: Map ByStr20 (Map ByStr20 (Map Uint32 Uint128)) end
MigrateLastWithdrawCycleDeleg(keys: List ByStr20, old_contract: ByStr20) MigrateLastWithdrawCycleDeleg(initiator: ByStr20, keys: List ByStr20, old_contract: ByStr20 with contract field last_withdraw_cycle_deleg: Map ByStr20 (Map ByStr20 Uint32) end
MigrateLastBufDepositCycleDeleg(keys: List ByStr20, old_contract: ByStr20) MigrateLastBufDepositCycleDeleg(initiator: ByStr20, keys: List ByStr20, old_contract: ByStr20 with contract field last_buf_deposit_cycle_deleg: Map ByStr20 (Map ByStr20 Uint32) end
MigrateDelegStakePerCycle(keys: List ByStr20, old_contract: ByStr20) MigrateDelegStakePerCycle(initiator: ByStr20, keys: List ByStr20, old_contract: ByStr20 with contract field deleg_stake_per_cycle: Map ByStr20 (Map ByStr20 (Map Uint32 Uint128)) end
MigrateWithdrawalPending(keys: List ByStr20, old_contract: ByStr20) MigrateWithdrawalPending(initiator: ByStr20, keys: List ByStr20, old_contract: ByStr20 with contract field withdrawal_pending: Map ByStr20 (Map BNum Uint128) end

Note: Any transition in SSNList contract that accepts money will have the corresponding transition in SSNListProxy accept the amount and then pass it during the message call.

gZILToken Contract Specification

gZILToken contract is a ZRC-2 compliant token contract with a few minor modifications. The contract defines two extra immutable variables init_minter (of type ByStr20) and end_block (of type BNum). The former is the initial minter of the contract allowed to mint tokens, while the latter stores the block number until which minting is allowed. It also introduces a mutable field minter(of type ByStr20) initialized to init_minter and a transition ChangeMinter(new_minter: ByStr20) to update the address of the minter. Since gZILToken won't require buring, the Burn transition from the ZRC-2 specification is removed.

The modified Mint transition to be called by the minter:

transition Mint(recipient: ByStr20, amount: Uint128)
  current_block <- & BLOCKNUMBER;
  is_minting_over = builtin blt end_block current_block;
  match is_minting_over with
  | True =>
  | False =>
    AuthorizedMint recipient amount;
    (* Prevent sending to a contract address that does not support transfers of token *)
    msg_to_recipient = {_tag: "RecipientAcceptMint"; _recipient: recipient; _amount: zero; 
                        minter: _sender; recipient: recipient; amount: amount};
    msgs = one_msg msg_to_recipient;
    send msgs

The ChangeMintertransition to be called by the minter:

transition ChangeMinter(new_minter: ByStr20, initiator: ByStr20)
  IsOwner initiator;
  minter := new_minter;
  e = {_eventname: "ChangedMinter"; new_minter: new_minter};
  event e  

As tokens are rewarded when a delegator claims its staking rewards within the SSNList contract, the minter of the gZILToken contract will be the address of the SSNList contract.

Multi-signature Wallet Contract Specification

This contract has two main roles. First, it holds funds that can be paid out to arbitrary users, provided that enough people from a pre-defined set of owners have signed off on the payout.

Second, and more generally, it also represents a group of users that can invoke a transition in another contract only if enough people in that group have signed off on it. In the staking context, it represents the admin in the SSNList contract. This provides added security for the privileged admin role.

General Flow

Any transaction request (whether transfer of payments or invocation of a foreign transition) must be added to the contract before signatures can be collected. Once enough signatures are collected, the recipient (in case of payments) and/or any of the owners (in the general case) can ask for the transaction to be executed.

If an owner changes his mind about a transaction, the signature can be revoked until the transaction is executed.

This wallet does not allow adding or removing owners, or changing the number of required signatures. To do any of those, perform the following steps:

  1. Deploy a new wallet with owners and required_signatures set to the new values. MAKE SURE THAT THE NEW WALLET HAS BEEN SUCCESFULLY DEPLOYED WITH THE CORRECT PARAMETERS BEFORE CONTINUING!
  2. Invoke the SubmitTransaction transition on the old wallet with the following parameters:
    • recipient : The address of the new wallet
    • amount : The _balance of the old wallet
    • tag : AddFunds
  3. Have (a sufficient number of) the owners of the old contract invoke the SignTransaction transition on the old wallet. The parameter transactionId should be set to the Id of the transaction created in step 2.
  4. Have one of the owners of the old contract invoke the ExecuteTransaction transition on the old contract. This will cause the entire balance of the old contract to be transferred to the new wallet. Note that no un-executed transactions will be transferred to the new wallet along with the funds.

WARNING: If a sufficient number of owners lose their private keys, or for any other reason are unable or unwilling to sign for new transactions, the funds in the wallet will be locked forever. It is therefore a good idea to set required_signatures to a value strictly less than the number of owners, so that the remaining owners can retrieve the funds should such a scenario occur.

If an owner loses his private key, the remaining owners should move the funds to a new wallet (using the workflow described above) to ensure that funds are not locked if another owner loses his private key. The owner who originally lost his private key can generate a new key, and the corresponding address be added to the new wallet, so that the same set of people own the new wallet.

Roles and Privileges

The table below list the different roles defined in the contract.

Name Description & Privileges
owners The users who own this contract.

Immutable Parameters

The table below lists the parameters that are defined at the contract deployment time and hence cannot be changed later on.

Name Type Description
owners_list List ByStr20 List of initial owners.
required_signatures Uint32 Minimum amount of signatures to execute a transaction.

Mutable Fields

The table below presents the mutable fields of the contract and their initial values.

Name Type Initial Value Description
owners Map ByStr20 Bool owners_list Map of owners.
transactionCount Uint32 0 The number of of transactions requests submitted so far.
signatures Map Uint32 (Map ByStr20 Bool) Emp Uint32 (Map ByStr20 Bool) Collected signatures for transactions by transaction ID.
signature_counts Map Uint32 Uint32 Emp Uint32 Uint32 Running count of collected signatures for transactions.
transactions Map Uint32 Transaction Emp Uint32 Transaction Transactions that have been submitted but not exected yet.


All the transitions in the contract can be categorized into three categories:

  • Submit Transitions: Create transactions for future signoff.
  • Action Transitions: Let owners sign, revoke or execute submitted transactions.
  • The _balance field keeps the amount of funds held by the contract and can be freely read within the implementation. AddFunds transition are used for adding native funds(ZIL) to the wallet from incoming messages by using accept keyword.

Submit Transitions

The first transition is meant to submit request for transfer of native ZILs while the other are meant to submit a request to invoke transitions in the SSNListProxy contract.

Name Params Description
SubmitNativeTransaction recipient : ByStr20, amount : Uint128, tag : String Submit a request for transfer of native tokens for future signoffs.
SubmitCustomUpgradeToTransaction calleeContract : ByStr20, newImplementation : ByStr20 Submit a request to invoke the UpgradeTo transition in the SSNListProxy contract.
SubmitCustomChangeProxyAdminTransaction calleeContract : ByStr20, newAdmin : ByStr20 Submit a request to invoke the ChangeProxyAdmin transition in the SSNListProxy contract.
SubmitCustomClaimProxyAdminTransaction calleeContract : ByStr20 Submit a request to invoke the ClaimProxyAdmin transition in the SSNListProxy contract.
SubmitCustomChangeMinterTransaction calleeContract : ByStr20, new_minter : ByStr20 Submit a request to invoke the ChangeMinter transition in the gZILToken contract.
SubmitCustomPauseTransaction calleeContract : ByStr20 Submit a request to invoke the Pause transition in the SSNListProxy contract.
SubmitCustomUnpauseTransaction calleeContract : ByStr20 Submit a request to invoke the UnPause transition in the SSNListProxy contract.
SubmitCustomUpdateAdminTransaction calleeContract : ByStr20, admin : ByStr20 Submit a request to invoke the UpdateAdmin transition in the SSNListProxy contract.
SubmitCustomClaimAdminTransaction `calleeContract : ByStr20 Submit a request to invoke the ClaimAdmin transition in the SSNListProxy contract.
SubmitCustomUpdateVerifierTransaction calleeContract : ByStr20, verif : ByStr20 Submit a request to invoke the UpdateVerifier transition in the SSNListProxy contract.
SubmitCustomUpdateVerifierRewardAddrTransaction calleeContract : ByStr20, verif : ByStr20 Submit a request to invoke the UpdateVerifierRewardAddr transition in the SSNListProxy contract.
SubmitCustomUpdateStakingParametersTransaction calleeContract : ByStr20, min_stake : Uint128, min_deleg_stake : Uint128, max_comm_change_rate : Uint128 Submit a request to invoke the UpdateStakingParameters transition in the SSNListProxy contract.
SubmitCustomChangeBNumReqTransaction calleeContract : ByStr20, input_bnum_req : Uint128 Submit a request to invoke the ChangeBNumReq transition in the SSNListProxy contract.
SubmitCustomUpdateGzilAddrTransaction calleeContract : ByStr20, gzil_addr: ByStr20 Submit a request to invoke the UpdateGzilAddr transition in the SSNListProxy contract.
SubmitCustomAddSSNTransaction calleeContract : ByStr20, ssnaddr : ByStr20, stake_amount : Uint128, rewards : Uint128, urlraw : String, urlapi : String, buffered_deposit : Uint128 Submit a request to invoke the AddSSN transition in the SSNListProxy contract.
SubmitCustomUpdateSSNTransaction calleeContract : ByStr20, ssnaddr : ByStr20, new_name : String, new_urlraw : String, new_urlapi : String Submit a request to invoke the UpdateSSN transition in the SSNListProxy contract.
SubmitCustomAddSSNAfterUpgradeTransaction calleeContract: ByStr20, ssnaddr: ByStr20, stake_amt: Uint128, rewards: Uint128, name: String, urlraw: String, urlapi: String, buff_deposit: Uint128, comm: Uint128, comm_rewards: Uint128, rec_addr: ByStr20 Submit a request to invoke the AddSSNAfterUpgrade transition in the SSNListProxy contract.
SubmitUpdateDelegTransaction calleeContract: ByStr20, ssnaddr: ByStr20, deleg: ByStr20, stake_amt: Uint128 Submit a request to invoke the UpdateDeleg transition in the SSNListProxy contract.
SubmitPopulateStakeSSNPerCycleTransaction calleeContract : ByStr20, ssn_address : ByStr20, cycle : Uint32, totalAmt: Uint128, rewards: Uint128 Submit a request to invoke the PopulateStakeSSNPerCycle transition in the SSNListProxy contract.
SubmitPopulateLastWithdrawCycleForDelegTransaction calleeContract : ByStr20, deleg_address : ByStr20, ssn_address : ByStr20, cycle : Uint32 Submit a request to invoke the PopulateLastWithdrawCycleForDeleg transition in the SSNListProxy contract.
SubmitPopulateLastBufDepositCycleDelegTransaction calleeContract : ByStr20, deleg_address : ByStr20, ssn_address : ByStr20, cycle : Uint32 Submit a request to invoke the PopulateLastBufDepositCycleDeleg transition in the SSNListProxy contract.
SubmitPopulateBufferedDepositTransaction calleeContract : ByStr20, deleg_address : ByStr20, ssn_address : ByStr20, cycle : Uint32, amount : Uint128 Submit a request to invoke the PopulateBufferedDeposit transition in the SSNListProxy contract.
SubmitPopulateDirectDepositTransaction calleeContract : ByStr20, deleg_address : ByStr20, ssn_address : ByStr20, cycle : Uint32, amount : Uint128 Submit a request to invoke the PopulateDirectDeposit transition in the SSNListProxy contract.
SubmitPopulateDepositAmtDelegTransaction calleeContract: ByStr20, deleg_addr: ByStr20, ssn_addr: ByStr20, amt: Uint128 Submit a request to invoke the PopulateDepositAmt transition in the SSNListProxy contract.
SubmitPopulateDelegStakePerCycleTransaction calleeContract: ByStr20, deleg_addr: ByStr20, ssn_addr: ByStr20, cycle: Uint32, amt: Uint128 Submit a request to invoke the PopulateDelegStakePerCycle transition in the SSNListProxy contract.
SubmitPopulateLastRewardCycleTransaction calleeContract: ByStr20, cycle: Uint32 Submit a request to invoke the PopulateLastRewardCycle transition in the SSNListProxy contract.
SubmitPopulateCommForSSNTransaction calleeContract : ByStr20, ssn_address : ByStr20, cycle : Uint32, comm : Uint128 Submit a request to invoke the PopulateCommForSSN transition in the SSNListProxy contract.
SubmitPopulateTotalStakeAmtTransaction calleeContract : ByStr20, amt : Uint128 Submit a request to invoke the PopulateTotalStakeAmt transition in the SSNListProxy contract.
SubmitPopulatePendingWithdrawalTransaction calleeContract : ByStr20, ssn_addr : ByStr20, block_number : BNum, stake : Uint128 Submit a request to invoke the PopulatePendingWithdrawal transition in the SSNListProxy contract.
SubmitCustomDrainContractBalanceTransaction calleeContract : ByStr20, amt : Uint128 Submit a request to invoke the DrainContractBalance transition in the SSNListProxy contract.

Action Transitions

Name Params Description
SignTransaction transactionId : Uint32 Sign off on an existing transaction.
RevokeSignature transactionId : Uint32 Revoke signature of an existing transaction, if it has not yet been executed.
ExecuteTransaction transactionId : Uint32 Execute signed-off transaction.