Seems to be working now, I'm not happy with the current solution though. Let's keep it open so I can look for a better one.
This is intentional. Immutable data classes can only be generated. The sample app contains [an example](https://github.com/ZieIony/RandomData/blob/master/app/src/main/java/tk/zielony/randomdata/test/MainActivity.java#L96) of an immutable data class being generated using a constructor with parameter annotations. Final...
This error was reported multiple times already. See: https://github.com/navasmdc/MaterialDesignLibrary/issues/274 It's because there is a parameter with same name in the official design support library. You have to clone this repo...
Did you try to set "animate" attribute to false? It's used here https://github.com/navasmdc/MaterialDesignLibrary/blob/master/MaterialDesignLibrary/MaterialDesign/src/main/java/com/gc/materialdesign/views/Button.java#L38
Develop is more up-to-date, but none of branches is really usable for anything other than learning. Develop contains interesting changes around UI - MSDF generation, a generic approach to constraints,...