Kubernetes version : 1.24.3-gke.2100 ``` textPayload: "2022/10/31 11:20:06 http: TLS handshake error from x.x.x.x:41398: EOF" ```
``` error when replacing "/dev/shm/738476230": Deployment.apps "seldon-controller-manager" is invalid: spec.selector: Invalid value: v1.LabelSelector{MatchLabels:map[string]string{"app":"seldon", "app.kubernetes.io/instance":"seldon1", "app.kubernetes.io/name":"seldon", "app.kubernetes.io/version":"v0.5", "control-plane":"seldon-controller-manager"}, MatchExpressions:[]v1.LabelSelectorRequirement(nil)}: field is immutable ``` https://github.com/SeldonIO/seldon-core/blob/master/operator/config/manifests/bases/seldon-operator.clusterserviceversion.yaml#L608 I believe this is referring to this...
Hey @olesiapoz, what's the specific value you set to fix this issue? did you set the enableExternalData value true to fix it? ``` enableExternalData=true ``` I deployed the v3.12.0 tag...
Hey @acpana, May be I didn't convey you properly or you don't get me. I don't mean to scale the opa gatekeepers deployment. I was talking about GKE scale down...
Sure I will open. 👍
Thanks, doc will help a lot