handsome-css3-lib copied to clipboard
Amazingly handsome Open-Source UI components made with HTML and CSS. Collection of very handsome CSS animations and special effects on the Internet(在网上收集各种帅气的CSS3特效和动画,按钮标题等各种...
Amazingly handsome Open-Source UI components made with HTML and CSS
Thank you to everyone who contributes to the cause and art of open source :)
网站主旨在于收集网上仅靠 CSS 与 HTML 就可以实现的动效UI。
如何构建 / How to build
First, run the development server:
node -v : node >= 16
npm run build
npm run dev
# or
yarn build
yarn dev
Open http://localhost:8204 with your browser to see the result.
- ~~主页展示方式更新。 p0 DL: 2023-02-28~~
- 需要解决数据逐渐变大的问题。 p1 DL: 2023-03-20
- 单页dom过多解决渲染性能问题。 p1 DL: 2023-03-20
- 账号系统。 p2
- 创作模块。 p3
- CSS Challenge 主题挑战 p3
- 自定义组件模块, 拖拽数值, 自定义颜色, 自定义特效和组合。 p3