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Joint Detection and Embedding for fast multi-object tracking

Results 105 Towards-Realtime-MOT issues
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When I finish training my data set, I get ****, errors are reported when tracking with this weight as follows: File "E:\python_workspace\JDE\", line 203, in main(opt, File "E:\python_workspace\JDE\", line 139,...

Thanks for your awesome research! I have a quick question about this project. can I use the model with real-stream like camera?


Can anyone show me how to run with camera or webcam? Many thanks.

Hello, thanks for your excellent work When I training in VisDrone dataset, the conf during training will decrease to around 0.002 after 35 Epochs, and the Precision is good but...

作者您好,很有幸能拜读您的代码。但是我有一个小问题想向您请教,“self.lost_stracks = sub_stracks(self.lost_stracks, self.removed_stracks)”, 这是在您的代码mutitracker中的第336行。这里您采用将两个轨迹集合相减的方法以去除self.lost_stracks轨迹集合中的removed的轨迹,但是在此时 self.removed_stracks中并没有对当前帧的removed的轨迹进行添加,这样会不会造成self.lost_stracks轨迹集合中无法去除当前帧新生成的removed轨迹?

Hello @Zhongdao Why the embedding representation of appearance is D*H*W, how can so many representations distinguish the representation of positive and negative samples?

Hi. Thank you for your great work. I just want to ask if you did minus the center_x and center_y by 1. Because the MOT dataset's coordinates are 1-based indexing,...

Hi, when I try to train the network with the provided data, the mAP is always zero! Is it normal? How many iterations does it take to reach the higher...