我在使用WCH CH9141蓝牙转串口芯片做开发时,希望能同时调试串口及蓝牙。 另是否后期会加入SPI、I2C的调试,相对来说这将是一款嵌入式开发的全功能软件。
The CH347 supports hardware SPI for faster speed
Hi, I have a CH347 chip, how to use it with ufprog?
Hi, When I was using a 15Mbps serial port, I found that I couldn't send or receive. Is the current maximum serial port baud rate supported 2Mbps? Thank you :)
- *Which operating system are you using?* **Windows 10 x64** - *Describe the exact steps which reproduce the problem* in as many details as possible. For example, the software/equipment which...