> @lsy17096535 我使用3000左右数据,训练的loss在1.0左右,肯定达不到要求,现在要做数据增强,请问大概多少数据可以达到你们训练的效果? 请问这块数据增强跟训练的脚本方便提供一下吗?
> 都已经提供了,人脸旋转代码跟训练代码。 你训练使用的是AFW跟AFLW数据集吗?还是ibug_300W_large_face_landmark_dataset。我在使用自己的检测器和ibug_300W数据集的过程中有一些疑惑,方便跟你联系求证一下吗?
> 您好,最近在搞特征点定位,看到了您的工程,但是train文件夹中的脚本文件有些多,,,,对于新手的我,您方便分享一下这些脚本执行的顺序吗?或是脚本执行流程?例子用到的数据集是aflw或是afw吗?哪里能够下载,谢谢! 你好,请问你解决训练脚本执行的问题了吗?
> Hello, I have a face data with 194 face key points. I want to use your network to train my data so that I can predict 194 face key...
> Hello, > > when test your network, it says that > > > I0918 15:13:54.308856 12776 net.cpp:137] Memory required for data: 998273536 > > I0918 15:13:54.308861 12776 layer_factory.hpp:77] Creating...
> when I use command: “caffe train --solver=solver.prototxt ", abort and get this message, how can I fix it? thanks. 你好,请问关于python层的这个问题,你是怎么解决的啊?我把train/文件夹添加到python路径,仍然报类似的错误。ModuleNotFoundError: No module named 'python'
> The paper mentioned that the method first trains on wflw dataset and use the weights as pretrain model and train on 300w > > However, 300w just has 68...
> 编译成功了,但是运行出现错误,报段错误,有解决么? > 运行如下: > Reading the CLNF landmark detector/tracker from: ../model/main_clnf_general.txt > Reading the landmark detector module from: ../model/clnf_general.txt > clnf_location = ../model/clnf_general.txt > Reading the PDM module from:...
Never mind, solved the problem by adding seetaFace Folder.