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Conversion of globaldatamatrix panel to Dataframe (panel is deprecated)
As stated in the title I am in the process of converting the panel in the globaldatamatrix function to a multi-index dataframe but could do with some clarification/assistance (hopefully you are still watching this repo).
What I have done so far:
In get_global_panel:
panel = pd.Panel(items=features, major_axis=coins, minor_axis=time_index, dtype=np.float32)
new_panel = pd.DataFrame(
index = pd.MultiIndex.from_product([coins, time_index]),
columns = features
panel.loc[feature, coin, serial_data.index] = serial_data.squeeze()
new_panel.loc[(coin, serial_data.index), feature] = serial_data.values
This works but is very very slow...
After this 'new_panel' is returned to datamatrices: 48
self.__global_data = self.__history_manager.get_global_panel(start, self.__end, period=period, features = type_list)
self.__PVM = pd.DataFrame(index=self.__global_data.minor_axis, columns=self.__global_data.major_axis)
self.__PVM = self.__global_data
Is this equivalent? I'm not sure of the structure of the PVM; is it the same as the structure of 'new_panel'?
self._num_periods = len(self.__global_data.minor_axis)
self._num_periods = len(self.__global_data.index)
Is that corrrect? my assumption here is that we want the number of 30 minute periods not the number of rows?
When I run the program with 'mode=download_data' this goes but as mentioned it takes a long time.
In backtest mode:
I am confused by datamatrices::get_submatrix and datamatrices::__pack_samples... due to the change of data structure the indices are wrong (there are too many for a start).
Can you provide some guidance as to how to approach this please?
I appreciate that this is an old repo and maybe you aren't supporting it any more but any advice would be welcome! Thanks!
to update:
I have everything working now, on a different machine, with pandas version 0.24 so will be able to compare the data structures. Hopefully that will be enough.
I am using xarray.DataArray for that. Relatively minor code changes.
Thanks. It's good to hear that someone has already done it.
If you have time could you be a bit more specific as to what you needed to change please?
I am using xarray.DataArray for that. Relatively minor code changes.
Hello, can you guide how to change the replace panel method with xarray.DataArray, I have been having problems after changing it. fei'chang'gan'xiThank you very much!