June Liu

Results 20 comments of June Liu

Hi @amitsingh19975, I tried option /std:c++latest, the error still exists. And the msvc version as below: ![image](https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/103498042/182278645-2ca704dc-be08-4fd7-8636-285914e147c3.png)

I try to update the build steps as follows: 1. **.\bootstrap** 2. **.\b2 headers variant=release cxxstd=latest --build-dir=..\out\x86rel address-model=32** 3. **.\b2 variant=release cxxstd=latest --build-dir=..\out\x86rel address-model=32** and then runtest as below **.\b2...

I compared the difference between our compilation steps and the yml file you provided, and after executing different parts, the error can still be reproduced.

Hi @hebasto, We update the bitcoin source recently, and encountered the waring C4858, and found that this issue (https://github.com/bitcoin/bitcoin/issues/26017) has been fixed in commit 31168dd, could this PR be merged...

Any updates of this PR? @hebasto @MarcoFalke Thank you~

Hi @deannagarcia I met the same issue. The commit of protobuf we use now is c38281dd20e562bac239bc77ab2fa10f71661708 The Visual Studio version is vs2019(VS16.11.11), OS is Windows Server 2019, it reports error...

> I am deeply confused by this error. Tracing through the various static asserts it seems like the only way this can fail is if `sizeof(void*) == 8` but `alignof(void*)...

Hi @fowles, Is there some update on this issue? Thanks.

Hi @fowles, I want to update some info. Repro steps: 1. git clone https://github.com/google/protobuf F:\gitP\google\protobuf 2. mkdir F:\gitP\google\protobuf\build_x86 and cd F:\gitP\google\protobuf\build_x86 3. cmake -G "Visual Studio 16 2019" -A Win32...

> just to clarify this is a **32 bit** windows build, yes? yes