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How to continue to train from scratch?
Can someone teach me? I just started to learn face recognition. Issues: I have already trained the model for 171 epochs. And I want to continue to train the model based on the latest model. How do I set the BACKBONE_RESUME_ROOT = './', # the root to resume training from a saved checkpoint HEAD_RESUME_ROOT = './', # the root to resume training from a saved checkpoint in the file of the config.py.
Thank you very much
I really appreciate that someone can teach me
Fill in the above config file with your model paths. such as: ------ config.py ------ MODEL_ROOT = '/home/face.evoLVe.PyTorch/output_models', BACKBONE_RESUME_ROOT = './output_models/backbone_ir50_ms1m_epoch120.pth', HEAD_RESUME_ROOT = './output_models/head_arcface.pth',
Hi @BruceTangLin @changxinC , I am trying to train, I am not able to figure out the data format required for training, currently my data is inside
D:/face.evoLVe.PyTorch/data/dataV1/ Inside dataV1 directory the data is as follows: -> id1/ -> 1.jpg -> ... -> id2/ -> 1.jpg -> ... -> ... -> ... -> ... Data is already aligned, resized to 112 using the align script provided in repo. When I run train.py, I am getting file not found error, I saw lot of people are facing the same issue, not being able to get the correct data format.
It would help a lot if you can guide how to get the correct dataset format for training. Help would be much appreciated, thank you.
@sriktrako If the file cannot be found, your path setting is wrong.
In config.py DATA_ROOT = '/database/face/CASIA_Face_Recognition/'
In train.py line 121 dataset_train = datasets.ImageFolder(os.path.join(DATA_ROOT, 'train'), train_transform)
My actual dataset path: /database/face/CASIA_Face_Recognition/train/id1/1.jpg 2.jpg 3.jpg /database/face/CASIA_Face_Recognition/train/id2/1.jpg 2.jpg 3.jpg
Hi @changxinC, thanks for replying, appreciate the help.
My DATA_ROOT = 'D:/face.evoLVe.PyTorch/data/dataV1'
Actual data:
D:/face.evoLVe.PyTorch/data/dataV1/Id1/1.jpg 2.jpg .....
D:/face.evoLVe.PyTorch/data/dataV1/Id2/1.jpg 2.jpg .....
How to generate meta, sizes files? Don't have any files other than .jpg's inside dataV1 directory.
Here's the exact output when I run train.py:
Overall Configurations: {'SEED': 1337, 'DATA_ROOT': 'D:/face.evoLVe.PyTorch/data/dataV1', 'MODEL_ROOT': './model', 'LOG_ROOT': './log', 'BACKBONE_RESUME_ROOT': './model/weights/backbone_ir50_asia.pth', 'HEAD_RESUME_ROOT': './', 'BACKBONE_NAME': 'IR_50', 'HEAD_NAME': 'ArcFace', 'LOSS_NAME': 'Focal', 'INPUT_SIZE': [112, 112], 'RGB_MEAN': [0.5, 0.5, 0.5], 'RGB_STD': [0.5, 0.5, 0.5], 'EMBEDDING_SIZE': 512, 'BATCH_SIZE': 512, 'DROP_LAST': True, 'LR': 0.1, 'NUM_EPOCH': 125, 'WEIGHT_DECAY': 0.0005, 'MOMENTUM': 0.9, 'STAGES': [35, 65, 95], 'DEVICE': device(type='cpu'), 'MULTI_GPU': True, 'GPU_ID': [0, 1], 'PIN_MEMORY': True, 'NUM_WORKERS': 0}
Number of Training Classes: 5749
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "train.py", line 84, in
@sriktrako You can see about this: https://github.com/TreB1eN/InsightFace_Pytorch#323-prepare-dataset--for-training This file seems to be downloaded from the evaluation dataset LFW, or use the prepare_data.py in ./backup to generate. I never try about this, because I use my own dataset and rewrite the evaluation code, so I closed line 84 and lines 239 to 255. https://github.com/ZhaoJ9014/face.evoLVe.PyTorch/blob/a33a9121198ed354eb6b0d7c214443f09908ccc1/train.py#L84 https://github.com/ZhaoJ9014/face.evoLVe.PyTorch/blob/a33a9121198ed354eb6b0d7c214443f09908ccc1/train.py#L239
@DrewdropLife Hi, do you know where to get the head resume pth file? I can find only the backbone resume. Thank you!
@DrewdropLife Hi, do you know where to get the head resume pth file? I can find only the backbone resume. Thank you!
https://pan.baidu.com/s/1-9sFB3H1mL8bt2jH7EagtA#list/path=%2Fms1m-ir152 pw:b197