
Results 24 comments of ZhangTianrong


Same problem here. It says starting but I see no window turning up.

I find the behaviors across files are pretty inconsistent. For example both files shown below are in FLAC format and has LYRICS in their metadata, but only the lyrics of...



平时写的笔记也不多,现在已经成了Typora的形状了,虽然小问题也时有发生,功能也是真的简单,但也足够用了,毕竟要是导出到博客里,就算软件里有各种复杂功能,还是得到处找插件保证在博客里的显示。此外就是拿来写作业,比latex排版轻松点,同时所见即所得,大多数排版用Mathjax强行来,复杂的就上latex tikz作图再导出svg,multicolumn之类的表格问题html+CSS解决,倒也用得挺好。当然我还是期待有一款支持自己添加Js,能保证使用场景和编辑场景效果一致的高自由度编辑器。


是否有 AI 字幕的 API 呢? Edit: 结果发现有无 AI 字幕完全看是否登录了…… 只要在 header 里加入了 cookie, 那么如果视频有 AI 字幕就会出现在回复中。

Hi. Instead of RPi, I am working with a Jetson Nano 2G. With a modified version of [`ffmpeg`](https://github.com/LinusCDE/mad-jetson-ffmpeg/tree/release/6.0), `ffmpeg -f lavfi -i testsrc2=size=1920x1080 -vcodec h264_nvmpi -t 10 -bf 0 -movflags...

They are warnings but not errors, so you can simply ignore them. ARChon is the runtime, serving as the dependance of Android apps on Chrome, so Chrome automatically removes it...