In an RSyntaxTextArea, set the content to the following: ``` ▀▀▀███ ▀▀▀███ ▀▀▀███ ▀▀▀███ ▀▀▀███ ▀▀▀███ //etc ``` Now, move the cursor down; you should see that these characters go...
I have the following code: ``` public class Classe1 extends JFrame { public Classe1() { JPanel contentPane = new JPanel(new BorderLayout()); RSyntaxTextArea textArea = new RSyntaxTextArea(20, 60); textArea.setSyntaxEditingStyle(SyntaxConstants.SYNTAX_STYLE_JAVA); textArea.setCodeFoldingEnabled(true); RTextScrollPane...
So far we just need to replace "2 of each player per team" by "1 Tank 2 Offense 2 Support" in the lobby settings. Also support the new maps/gamemodes. Use...
```c enum Cooldown: ABILITY_1 = 0 enum Cooldown: HOOK = Cooldown.ABILITY_1 rule "": A = Cooldown.HOOK ``` Here the second declaration overwrites the first. Either throw an error or merge...
This function not only picks up dead players, but also is buggy with unspawned players.
Also figure out how subroutines are affected by this
- [ ] Do that - [ ] Figure out the byte limit for dummy bot names (63 i think) and big/small messages - [ ] Also calculate the byte...