Zev Eisenberg

Results 152 issues of Zev Eisenberg

Conditionals and their brethren have braces on the same line, but the verisimilinetude of the opening braces for methods and C functions is not specified in this guide. We tend...

Properties of type `NSString`, `NSArray`, `NSDictionary`, and anything else that has a mutable subclass should be declared as `(copy, nonatomic)` instead of `(strong, nonatomic)` unless you have a good reason...

> Avoid non-idempotent setters > > **Bad:** > > ``` objc > - (void)setFoo:(id)foo > { > _foo = foo; > _lastTimeFooWasSet = [NSDate date]; > [self.tableView reloadData]; > }...

> Always trail with an `f` when sending a float literal to a `CGFloat` parameter Does this mean that we don’t need an `f` when passing integer literals to `CGFloat`...

The style guide says to declare protocols after class interfaces. This makes a certain amount of sense, but convention is to put the protocol first. Not sure if it’s worth...

The Method Signatures and Blocks sections both have advice on indentation. These should be consolidated.

The Comments section is big, and it's currently positioned between more related sections about functionality issues. It should be near the bottom with File Organization and Rule of Three.

> - `// ???:` > - Do not use (?) Why is there a `(?)` in there? We should either come up for a reason why not to use this,...

@Raizlabs/maintainers-ios how do you feel about the abbreviated `?:` ternary operator? I think it can actually improve clarity and reduce the chance of error (because you only have to type...

It seems like they belong there more than they belong in Mathematical Operators.