Hi @sweatybridge I do have PGSODIUM enabled now, thanks to your help on the other issue ! I no longer get that error. I now get this:
I would like to vote against "mode" for the reason you said. Vite uses it: mode: process.env.MODE || 'development'
> So it´s not suitable for modals in my case as i want to support them in ssr too. Any idea/plan how to implement that? I´m currently using searchParams, was...
> Any news on this? It's really annoying to develop the service worker without it working on dev mode Looks like you can do it with the plugin:
@bluwy Been using vitePlugin: { experimental: { useVitePreprocess: true }} for a fairly large web app & it has been great ! Except the annoying messages in the build, there...
I will donate $20 USD.
Can't wait for option 2 to have good performance !
> As a workaround, [@jill64/sentry-sveltekit-cloudflare]( is still available. [@jill64/sentry-sveltekit-edge]( is also available, which works with `vercel`, `netlify`, and other edges in general, although some functionality is limited. @jill64 Thanks for...
Agree heavily. Supabase should add as many Prisma features as possible. If I could manage my Supabase database with a schema file (pulls and pushes like Prisma) and have type...
+1 to show demand for this