Andreas Dirnberger
Andreas Dirnberger
I am using now my own node to directly use nats https// I will try the mqtt node now out and write tomorrow
my nats version 2.9.25 does not have QoS2 support, It got added with 2.10.0 The mqtt pub in QoS2 is hanging and does not timeout, but the issue seams resolved....
I run into an issue with IndexedDb used over dexie.js To use a generic JsonValue inside the stored data type then the the query and patch feature of dexie is...
I tried this now over the header `Nats-Time-Stamp` but with bad results at least on nats 2.9.20 The server persist the header but still takes its own received timestamp and...
My workaround is to add a header `ts` to a relayed message that has presidency on read.
As an idea, this could be implemented with some new entity like `virtual-bucket` or `scoped-bucket` that have properties like a `FilterSubjects` attach to them. my_bucket: device101 device102 dev101_bucket...
It is not clear from the description what `AckTerm` does in a WorkingQueue A) does it delete/send it to the DLQ for all consumers B) stop redelivering it to the...
@ripienaar what overlap? If a consumer can't process the message then it will be `AckTerm`, but maybe some other consumer (other application or version) can process it successfully.
After reading this post, I think currently the best option is simply to not call anything and let it timeout. This produces the delivery delay. The option to repeal an...
PR would be already there