android_audio_mixer icon indicating copy to clipboard operation
android_audio_mixer copied to clipboard

A simple android library for processing audio and mixing multiple audios parallelly or sequentially, made with android native media APIs (MediaExtractor, MediaCodec, MediaFormat, MediaMuxer) and JAVA.

Results 11 android_audio_mixer issues
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When I merge several audios in parallel, the final file is of low quality.

Merge result is not MP3, it is MP4 General Format : MPEG-4 Format profile : Base Media / Version 2 Codec ID : mp42 (isom/mp42) File size : 84.9 KiB...

I am requesting you to initialise audio and video merge plz. With examples. If you capable to do this then plz do this. I know you can do this. This...

example for Merging audio with video and using external MediaMuxer can you provide an example for using external muxer thanks

add License previously added to add-license-1 branch but now on master branch.

By merging many audio files the sound becomes very low can you help me? Even changing AuidioInput setVolume does not change anything. By joining several audio files the joining is...

Hi, I am planning to use this library in my Android App. Can you please let me know under which license (MIT or Apache etc) this library has been open-sourced?...

@ZeroOneZeroR I tried to merge 2 audio file one of duration was 33:00 minutes and 2nd one duration was 27:00 minutes. Merging was done, but it takes 20 min to...

I tried yours library ,its working great but I tried different formats to merge , AAC format merge very quickly. But mp3 audio merge is slow , any way I...

Not really an issue but a requirement. It would be useful if you were able to make a wav file from many wav files. But instead of sequentially waiting until...