Geoff S.
Geoff S.
After you do your git clone you still have to copy the files from the git folder to your nginx folder (var/www/html). We still don't have a rolling/simple upgrade process...
If you load the page and you see v2.8.0 or higher then you should have the latest version. And if your on that version, you can go to the "Coming...
When you say the same photo are you expecting the poster also be the background? I will have too look into how it can blur out the background. Please elaborate...
I will add the blur in my next code release for @MattsShack to review sometime this week.
> When you say the same photo are you expecting the poster also be the background? > > No I liked that it was a different but some of the...
> Please elaborate when you say core overlay with screen or multiple on it. > > This is a photoshop terms > > I have made some adjustments for...
> Sometimes when you have made a change, saved then make another change and save, some of the options are overwritten. This is something I am still working on trying...
Hmm. I don't know how that would happen or how we can address it from our end. I have however seen that sometimes the wrong background art for the poster...
The latest dev branch now has the background focus request.
When you go into plex you will have the option on the media when you try and edit it. If you go into your media you will see what...