
Results 50 comments of ZekerZhayard

related to https://github.com/ZekerZhayard/OptiForge/issues/36

Does the latest version of OptiFine and OptiForge fixed it?

1. Extract OptiFine jar via this command: https://github.com/sp614x/optifine/issues/5323#issuecomment-778670456 2. Rename the jar to `OptiFine-1.17.1_HD_U_G9_pre34.jar` 3. Create `libraries/optifine/OptiFine/1.17.1_HD_U_G9_pre34` folder and put extracted OptiFine jar into it

The size of the OptiFine Cape is not the standard size of the Minecraft cape (an integer multiple of 64:32), so additional logic is required to complete the OptiFine Cape...

you can but you need to write some Java code

我简单测试了一下,我能复现你的现象,但是崩溃报告并不相同,而且把 class path 里的 optifine installer 替换成 extract 之后的 optifine 是可以成功启动的

MultiMC 写过,你可以翻译一下就行 https://github.com/MultiMC/Launcher/wiki/Unsupported-Intel-GPUs

那怎么获得 optifine 的版本列表

看起来有空得测一下 `minecraftArguments` 的官启行为了,前年的官启对于这个属性的行为和 HMCL 应该是一致的