Zeke Lu

Results 16 issues of Zeke Lu

net.IP states that a 16-byte slice can still be an IPv4 address. But after netip.Addr is introduced, it requires extra care to keep it as an IPv4 address when converting...

Otherwise, it will be at the risk to pollute events from other controls This [fiddle](http://jsfiddle.net/zekelu/dfbfe/) illustrates how event namespace works


This feature is inspired by the [Lazy Load Plugin for jQuery](https://github.com/tuupola/jquery_lazyload) by [Mika Tuupola](http://www.appelsiini.net/projects/lazyload). The "all-features.html" demo is updated to show how delay loading works.

The doc recommends to view it on GitHub because Gerrit's Markdown viewer does not render the images. GitHub does not support the "style" tag and renders it as plain text....

1. it makes the call to easyjson more reliable. Here are the details: 1. remove `easyjson.go` from the white list so that deprecated files (if any) won't stay in the...