> Can you access https://cloud.authpass.app/ in your browser? (A "not found" is okay, as long as the ssl connection can be authenticated)? > > Can you make sure the date/time...
> Can you please check and maybe attach the log file? You can find the path in the about dialog. Here it is. Please take a look. [app.log.txt](https://github.com/authpass/authpass/files/7271035/app.log.txt) ``` 2021-10-02...
What can I do now to temporarily resolve the error? I have tried reinstalling and it went the same.
> 1. What is the version of the Linux kernel inside your VM? > > 1. If the Linux kernel is less than version 5.11, then you're supposed to install...
> Hm. Can you try to install Intel SGX SDK and run some examples from there? For example, https://github.com/intel/linux-sgx/tree/master/SampleCode/SampleEnclave. > > I currently don't understand what's going wrong with your...
> Interesting. > > Error `-5` is `EIO`. This error happens when the ECREATE instruction results in an error, [see here](https://github.com/intel/SGXDataCenterAttestationPrimitives/blob/dcap_1.14_reproducible/driver/linux/ioctl.c#L102-L107). > > This seems to only happen on [exceptions...
> @Zebartin Could you also show the output of `is-sgx-available` **on the host**? The output of `is-sgx-available` on the host is almost the same as that on the guest VM,...
> I haven't seen any problems with it. @Zebartin what version tag of qemu you used from that Intel repository? I guess it's worth pointing out that upstream Qemu has...
> I'm in agreement with Mikko... I haven't seen any issues using SGX in a QEMU 6.2+ guest VM. Not sure what's going on here. > > One question I...
It turns out that **Qemu 7.1.0** is the problem. I tried 6.2.0 as @boryspoplawski suggested, and tried 7.0.0 also, they all work well with Gramine. I also tried integrating Qemu...