The caption for figure 7.3 reads "plot of convex and non-convex functions with two chords each" and there's only one chord for each. The same in text.
"importanceweightof **0.00101**" Should be 0.001
"For each bootstrapped sample, you will **be** a different f-score." be -> have
First paragraph reads: "If this 0.1% **impressed** was measured" Should read: "If this 0.1% **improvement** was measured"
Second paragraph on page 64: In particular, if you take a binary data set **if** flip what it means to be a positive or negative example, you will end up...
I believe sidenote 4 should read "A colleague makes..."
It reads: "they happen to correlate with the class label on the training data, but chance." -> should read "by chance".
Almost all* figures in chapter 5 (namely 5.5-5.14) are just white background * meaning "all but finite number" :)
"The second approach is to find computationally efficient ways of doing feature mapping in a computationally and statistically efficient way" - "computationally efficient" is used twice in this sentence.
The algorithm in text is referenced as Alg. 4.6. Also, shouldn't c be set to zero upon update (after line 10)? It seems as if the "vote" of the boundary...