I figured the idea was to have the sound play with a random pitch between two values. You're right though, might not sound as good as a set of pre...
Commit a1be70f addresses this - now adds range for volume and pitch as well as a basic { } list (eg. sound: {anvilbreak/0.8~1p/0.9v, catmeow}) which has an equal chance of...
Ah, looks like its not interpreting the sheep data properly - I'll look into this later. I'll leave this here for my reference later: `!UNSHEARED!WHITE!ADULT!!!!ITEMSTACK{AIR X 1}%10.0%!!ITEMSTACK{AIR X 1}%10.0%!!ITEMSTACK{AIR X...
Hmm, I've got a couple of ideas for different ways to log errors, I'll make a dev build for your to test later.