Dario Heinisch
Dario Heinisch
@GordonTraveler Please take a look here: https://github.com/Zarathustra2/TradeRepublicApi/commit/a391f87ccdd951416068468ea3d7f73d146e7ea5
@GordonTraveler order_id is set by you. Choose something there. amount = size => The amount of shares you want to buy I will try to market as well but I...
I am not sure what the question is? Re their API: It is all based on websocket pub & sub
Probably there is now a better/different mechanism for that but as I don't use TradeRepublic as my broker I am not sure whether I find the time to try out...
I don't think this is a mistake. TR allows you to buy fractional shares, that is why the count is a float. You probably bought a fractional share
HMMM, is this maybe related to https://github.com/Zarathustra2/TradeRepublicApi/pull/21 which I merged yesterday?
What if you use the previous commit before the merge?
hmmm interesting. Not sure if I find the time to debug it as I don't use TR really
Actually I think, this is bad idea. A future message with the same key could be going into a different partition if the auto created topic has more than 1...
Oh it calls https://github.com/fede1024/rust-rdkafka/blob/master/src/consumer/stream_consumer.rs#L289 `next` from [futures::stream::StreamExt::next](https://docs.rs/futures/0.3/futures/stream/trait.StreamExt.html#method.next) which is cancel safe, so recv() is also cancel safe. Should the rust docs be extended for recv() and should it explicitly state...