I can confirm this same bug using the Gnat variant. The GNSS.end() function still leaves the device pulling ~15uA when stopped. When changing that uart line from disable to destroy,...
Uh oh...looks like you are right. Once the handle is deleted, begin() no longer works. I'll look into it tomorrow and see if I can figure out a proper fix....
How are you getting the device down to 15uA when suspended? Even when I suspend the GNSS unit it pulls 30uA, rather than 15. I've tried copying your GPS routines...
Thanks so much, but is something missing in that code?? I don't see a GNSS suspend command or a low digital write to turn off the GPS.
Thanks for the info! My issue is that I'm not using a custom board. I'm using a Gnat and running this code puts it at ~30uA: I'm not sure...