
Results 149 issues of James

1) The users of this style guide will probably expect that all of the rules that it prescribes will be enforced by eslint. However, this is not the case -...

Greetings, The second section of the guide is "References", which is a prescription to use "const" over "var". This section showcases a "bad" code example and a "good" code example....


In Markdown, it is common to have a list with sub-bullets. For example: ``` - The first thing. - Here's a second thing. - But beware that the second thing...

🙉 open/needs-info
🐛 type/bug

Currently, the schema is edited by hand, which is prone to error and prone to becoming outdated. Instead, in my projects, I use [ts-json-schema-generator](https://github.com/vega/ts-json-schema-generator). You feed it the source file...

scope: tooling

Today, in Discord, we discussed the possibility of TSTL taking extra steps to handle the case of a TSTL program with over 200 local variables. Right now, it sounds like...

scope: transformation

When a TSTL library depends on another TSTL library, all of the code from the parent library will be duplicated in the transpiled bundle output. In my case, I have:...

scope: bundling

```ts function getTuple() { return [undefined, "foo"]; } const [value1, value2] = getTuple(); print(value1); print(value2); ``` Playground link: https://typescripttolua.github.io/play#code/GYVwdgxgLglg9mABAcwKZQCogA4BtUAUAlIgN4BQiViATuiDUgNrgAmqwMYqrANIgCJgcOAIC6AbnIBfcuQgIAzlERMAbgENcIVAEZ+m7agBMYxAF4U6LHkJEp2GlygFDO3ffKPnrrTuOeQA This code will silently fail. (I guess it's because of how...

scope: transformation

Also, throw a compiler error for when using `Number.something` would cause a crash at runtime.

feature request
scope: transformation

Recently, `has()` and `delete()` were added to LuaTable, which was a life saver. Is it possible to also add a `clear()` method? The workaround right now is to blow away...

feature request
scope: lualib

Using it as a property should throw an error and tell the end-user to use it as a method instead. ```ts const test = new LuaTable(); print(test.length); ```

scope: transformation