
Results 432 comments of James

I don't know what the algorithm would be to determine 100% provably safe cases, so I can't help improve the rule in that way. Until someone comes along who is...

sure. in v4.0.0 it isn't required anymore to have this in cspell.json right? ```json "import": ["@cspell/cspell-bundled-dicts"], ```

I published this npm package to make it easier to check for unused words across all of my various TypeScript projects: https://www.npmjs.com/package/cspell-check-unused-words At some point, it would be great to...

Jason, any updates on this? The CSpell settings are still not documented.

`toTrimmedString` seems fine.

Yes, that would be optimal, because the code in my first snippet in the OP would just work without having to do anything additional. And then, to get the non-trimmed...

This problem is especially relevant now that [the @tsconfig bases](https://github.com/tsconfig/bases) contain `verbatimModuleSyntax`, causing any downstream project that uses API extractor to fail. Please consider prioritizing a fix for this, as...

Thanks! Also, I think the linter should move both JSDoc comments and leading line comments, like this: ```ts // This function is for fooing things. function foo() {} ```

@jrdrg Can you please push a release that disables the autofixer? It is so destructive that it prevents me from using the plugin at all.