bl3_save_edit copied to clipboard
nothing is saving
I just got back into bl3 after the game was causing pc issues in the past, I downloaded this editor again today and nothing is saving no matter what I do, I selected my saves folder from the saves so it is located, but no matter what else I do in the editor, it just doesn't save, my guardian tokens when I set them to 0 (originally 181) after i click save it just reverts to 181, when I go to edit an item either in my inventory or bank, it doesn't change a thing to them even though I clicked save, the only thing that seemed to have saved was my golden keys but I don't need them anymore.
Can you try saving a file with the game closed - does the issue still occur?
the game is closed and I just did my guardian tokens again with no change
I've just changed a green artifact in my bank and gave it a lot of speed, but because just changing the guardian tokens didn't work, I doubt this has worked as well
So it seems like the guardian tokens is a bug... will look into this.
However, modifying items should still work fine - they are separate things.
ok looks like the artifact was changed this time but every other time nothing was changing and I think my first one actually got deleted which was a moxxi shield
tried making a powerful gun, a shield, and an artifact but nothing changed. I even edited a shield that was my only purple one but nothing was changing on that which I added a lot of shield capacity too.
You used to be able to edit ur stuff just at the main menu and then when u saved u just swapped characters around and then load back in with the one u edited.
and sure thing if it hasn't deleted it.
Would you be able to share the item serial after you have modified the item?
well the shield was deleted..
this was the double downer, I added a lot of random but positive effect stuff to it but as u can see in the editor its completely normal
I even didn't use any of the "show all parts" just the ones avaliable but still did nothing
BL3(BAAAAAAInoA+FFhAEvxTGLpUqVKlSpUqVapUqVKlSpUqVapUqVKlSpUqVapUqVKlSnTo0KFDhw4dOnRy5MiRI4cVK1asWLFi5cqVK1euXLly5cqVKwAAAA==) just done an edited version in case u want to test that out
just quit the game and started it up again then went straight to my bank andddddddddddd
no change despite again a bunch of shield capacity and a bunch of other high powered stuff to it
So the items are working as expected for me:
Seems likely that your saves aren't actually saving.
Can you try:
- Close the game
- Modify the item and save.
- Open the game.
- Click the refresh button at the top of the Save Editor - are your modified items there?
ok i'll try that with a weapon in my inventory
ok i duplicated my invincible shield but replaced the invincible part with another manufacturer and made one of my smgs incredibly powerful, i've refreshed the save with me at the main menu. Time to see if anything is different
ok.. maybe I should screenshot the original stats of a gun first before knowing if its been edited or not before I started playing again, hang on.
ok it does save when you're not on the game
original stats
modified stats
though idk how the moxxi one got removed and same with the pistol I made in the bank
That's good to hear, so it seems like your saves are getting overwritten sometimes - not sure what is causing that, potentially cloud saves.
But as long as the save is not overwritten is it working fine? Or are you still seeing issues with certain items not being loaded?
so far all i've done is trying to remove my guardian token and editing with items, I've not touched anything else
but u saw with the double downer one that, that shield isn't changing, idk if its to do with something with the bank or something isn't saving as u said
If you share the serial for the modded double downer I can try loading that from my bank.
this is the edited one
This code is not for a Double Downer, it's for a Green Artifact:
huh i'm sorry then I thought it was the double downer, must've only screenshotted it
This loads fine, as it seemed to have load for you from the screenshot you provided above.
I meant editing it, it loads in and that but when I was editing it, it didn't save the edits. Maybe all the editing has to be done off the game rather then just at the main menu which the editor for BL2 was able to do just by switching characters
Modifying the Double Downer works fine in the bank also:
Serial is: BL3(BAAAAAD6NIA+o9tAE/wTbqBNojk5OTk5OTk5OTk5OTk5OTk7Ozs7Ozs7Ozs9PT09PT09PT8/P0NBQUNDQ2dDR2dDQ0NDQ0NDQ0NDQ2eDCwAAAA==)
I believe only for Profile edits the game needs to be closed.
If you are modifying your regular saves then make sure you are switched to a different character that you are not modifying. Then make your changes in the editor and save. Then switch to this character in the game and it will work fine.
ah ok i'll try that out because what I did was editing the character I wanted to edit items with, then save the character and then swap to another character im not using then swap back like a refresh
edit: well ur way seems to have worked which is good so I don't have to keep starting up the game again every time I do an edit
ok I got a question unrelated to the issue here but, in the editor when accuracy shows acc -15% does that mean accuracy is reduced or improved? reason I ask is because on a modded smg which is insta kill, all the acc is -15% and the smg accuracy on the gun is 82%. I've been adding acc + as in +15% because from that it tells me it improves the accuracy rather then decreases it