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UseElmish with Fast Refresh
Hi @Zaid-Ajaj,
this is related to WIP PR #423. I usually cannot make UseElmish to work with Fast Refresh, even when following all the rules like PascalCase + making init + update functions private. However, I tried to use @alfonsogarciacaro version and got some minor improvement:
As you can see, Alfonso's version survives the first reload, and on the second change, it resets to the initial state again.
Do you have any idea what could be done on the top of Alfonso's PR to survive every refresh (a.k.a. make it working with Fast Refresh)? Thanks for any help! 🙏
Just FYI, I also tried #401 by @olivercoad and it even survives every refresh, however it stops triggering commands, so it's more less at the same state as Alfonso's PR (pretty close, but not fully functional). I assume this issue is quite hard to tackle. 😄
Hello @Dzoukr,
in one of my project I made a custom/fixed version of UseElmish
I never had the chance to really test it but we are using it successfully in our project since 3+ months. And I didn't have the time to send a PR.
If you want to use it, you can copy/paste the code in your project as a replacement of Feliz.UseElmish deps.
Here is the code of it:
module Feliz.UseElmish
open Feliz
open Elmish
module Resumable =
module Program =
type Msg<'UserMsg, 'UserModel> =
| UserMsg of 'UserMsg
| SetState of 'UserModel
let toResumable
(initialState : 'model option)
(program : Program<'a, 'model, 'msg, 'view>) =
let map (model, cmd) =
, Cmd.map UserMsg cmd
let mapInit userInit args =
match initialState with
| Some model ->
model, Cmd.none
| None ->
userInit args |> map
let mapUpdate userUpdate msg model =
match msg with
| UserMsg userMsg ->
userUpdate userMsg model
| SetState newModel ->
, Cmd.none
|> map
let subs userSubscribe model =
Cmd.batch [
userSubscribe model |> Cmd.map UserMsg
let mapSetState userSetState model dispatch =
userSetState model (UserMsg >> dispatch)
let mapView userView model dispatch =
userView model (UserMsg >> dispatch)
|> Program.map mapInit mapUpdate mapView mapSetState subs
type ElmishObservable<'Model, 'Msg>() =
let mutable hasDisposedOnce = false
let mutable state: 'Model option = None
let mutable listener: ('Model -> unit) option = None
let mutable dispatcher: ('Msg -> unit) option = None
member _.Value = state
member _.HasDisposedOnce = hasDisposedOnce
member _.SetState (model: 'Model) (dispatch: 'Msg -> unit) =
state <- Some model
dispatcher <- Some dispatch
match listener with
| None -> ()
| Some listener -> listener model
member _.Dispatch(msg) =
match dispatcher with
| None -> () // Error?
| Some dispatch -> dispatch msg
member _.Subscribe(f) =
match listener with
| Some _ -> ()
| None -> listener <- Some f
/// Disposes state (and dispatcher) but keeps subscription
member _.DisposeState() =
match state with
| Some state ->
match box state with
| :? System.IDisposable as disp -> disp.Dispose()
| _ -> ()
| _ -> ()
dispatcher <- None
state <- None
hasDisposedOnce <- true
let inline runProgram
(program: unit -> Program<'Arg, 'Model, 'Msg, unit>)
(arg: 'Arg)
(obs: ElmishObservable<'Model, 'Msg>)
(resumedState: 'Model option)
() =
|> Program.withSetState obs.SetState
|> Resumable.Program.toResumable resumedState
|> Program.runWith arg
match obs.Value with
| None -> failwith "Elmish program has not initialized"
| Some v -> v
let inline disposeState (state: obj) =
match box state with
| :? System.IDisposable as disp -> disp.Dispose()
| _ -> ()
type React with
static member inline useElmish(program: unit -> Program<'Arg, 'Model, 'Msg, unit>, arg: 'Arg, ?dependencies: obj array) =
// Don't use useMemo here because React doesn't guarantee it won't recreate it again
let obs, _ = React.useState(fun () -> ElmishObservable<'Model, 'Msg>())
// Initialize the program without previous state
let state, setState = React.useState(runProgram program arg obs None)
React.useEffect((fun () ->
// If the component has been disposed, re-build it
// use the last known state.
// This make HMR support works by maintaining the state
// We need to rebuild a new program, in order to get access
// to the new dispatch instance
if obs.HasDisposedOnce then
runProgram program arg obs (Some state) () |> setState
), defaultArg dependencies [||])
state, obs.Dispatch
static member inline useElmish(program: unit -> Program<unit, 'Model, 'Msg, unit>, ?dependencies: obj array) =
React.useElmish(program, (), ?dependencies=dependencies)
static member inline useElmish(init: 'Arg -> 'Model * Cmd<'Msg>, update: 'Msg -> 'Model -> 'Model * Cmd<'Msg>, arg: 'Arg, ?dependencies: obj array) =
React.useElmish((fun () -> Program.mkProgram init update (fun _ _ -> ())), arg, ?dependencies=dependencies)
static member inline useElmish(init: unit -> 'Model * Cmd<'Msg>, update: 'Msg -> 'Model -> 'Model * Cmd<'Msg>, ?dependencies: obj array) =
React.useElmish((fun () -> Program.mkProgram init update (fun _ _ -> ())), ?dependencies=dependencies)
static member inline useElmish(init: 'Model * Cmd<'Msg>, update: 'Msg -> 'Model -> 'Model * Cmd<'Msg>, ?dependencies: obj array) =
React.useElmish((fun () -> Program.mkProgram (fun () -> init) update (fun _ _ -> ())), ?dependencies=dependencies)
OMG man, it works like a CHARM!!! 👏🔥💓
Also just as a reminder for React refresh to work you need to only export ReactComponent from the module.
So mark init
, update
, or any other helpers function/values as private.
For vite.js, their is also the need to add this line
// Workaround to have React-refresh working
// I need to open an issue on react-refresh to see if they can improve the detection
emitJsStatement () "import React from \"react\""
Without this line vite.js doesn't seems to apply React Refresh
Example of a module:
using the bad example of counter 🙈
module Antidote.Components.Counter
// Stupid counter component
// This component is used to test integration with React and ViteJS
// In the future, this component will be removed from the project
// but I keep it in case I need to test/fix more stuff from Feliz
open Feliz
open Feliz.Bulma
open Elmish
open Fable.Core
open Feliz.UseElmish
open Fable.Core.JsInterop
// Workaround to have React-refresh working
// I need to open an issue on react-refresh to see if they can improve the detection
emitJsStatement () "import React from \"react\""
type private Classes =
abstract counterValue : string
let private classes : Classes = import "default" "./Counter.module.scss"
type private Model =
Value : int
type private Msg =
| Increment
| Decrement
let private init () =
Value = 0
, Cmd.none
let private update (msg : Msg) (model : Model) =
match msg with
| Increment ->
{ model with
Value = model.Value + 1
, Cmd.none
| Decrement ->
{ model with
Value = model.Value - 1
, Cmd.none
let Counter () =
let model, dispatch = React.useElmish(init, update, [||])
Html.div [
Html.div [
prop.className classes.counterValue
prop.text model.Value
Bulma.button.button [
prop.onClick (fun _ ->
dispatch (Increment)
prop.text "Increment"
Bulma.button.button [
prop.onClick (fun _ ->
dispatch (Decrement)
prop.text "Decrement"
Sounds promising, will have to check it out!
Just a quick question here. It is a confusing topic for me. Do we need to use the @pmmmwh/react-refresh-webpack-plugin
when building Feliz apps with Webpack or is the react-refresh
@landy I think that when using Webpack you need to @pmmmwh/react-refresh-webpack-plugin
because Webpack doesn't have ReactRefresh out of the box.
It only have HMR (Hot module replacement) which can be seen as the ancestor of react-refresh for React code.
One observation here. I found that in this @MangelMaxime version of UseElmish, when I change the dependencies, the full render is not triggered (for original UseElmish it works). Will try to dig deeper and will let you know.
Ok, I may find it... I have to store also the state of dependencies and if it's not the same like previous ones, I need to do program re-init.
type React with
static member inline useElmish(program: unit -> Program<'Arg, 'Model, 'Msg, unit>, arg: 'Arg, ?dependencies: obj array) =
// Don't use useMemo here because React doesn't guarantee it won't recreate it again
let obs, _ = React.useState(fun () -> ElmishObservable<'Model, 'Msg>())
// Initialize the program without previous state
let state, setState = React.useState(runProgram program arg obs None)
// Store initial dependencies
let deps, setDeps = React.useState(dependencies)
React.useEffect((fun () ->
// Update for dependencies is the state valid
dependencies |> setDeps
// If the component has been disposed, re-build it
// use the last known state.
// This make HMR support works by maintaining the state
// We need to rebuild a new program, in order to get access
// to the new dispatch instance
if obs.HasDisposedOnce then
// Use only state that is valid for current dependencies
let state = if deps <> dependencies then None else Some state
runProgram program arg obs state () |> setState
), defaultArg dependencies [||])
state, obs.Dispatch
@MangelMaxime, please would you find time to look at this piece to tell me if you see any problem in it? 🙏
Hi @Dzoukr and @MangelMaxime, thanks a lot for investigating these issues and coming up with a better solution 🙏 if you are satisfied with it, please consider making a PR. These days I am low on time to debug issues and add big features but if can definitely merge and publish new packages 😄 This one would be great so that we can implement what @olivercoad started with in #401
One observation here. I found that in this @MangelMaxime version of UseElmish, when I change the dependencies, the full render is not triggered (for original UseElmish it works). Will try to dig deeper and will let you know.
@Dzoukr What do you mean by :
when I change the dependencies
Is it when the dependency change via runtime execution?
Or when your code changes and so trigger a refresh?
// Old code
let model, dispatch = React.useElmish(init, update, [||])
// New code
let model, dispatch = React.useElmish(init, update, [| myDeps |])
@Zaid-Ajaj Will send a PR yes.
Is it when the dependency change via runtime execution?
Yup. Exactly. I have a ReactComponent
, that has a string parameter and this parameter is used in useElmish like:
let state, dispatch = React.useElmish(init, update, [| box myDependencyFromUpperLevel |])
When this dependency changes, it still behaves as if it did not.
So I did update in my file of your code to:
type React with
static member inline useElmish(program: unit -> Program<'Arg, 'Model, 'Msg, unit>, arg: 'Arg, ?dependencies: obj array) =
// Don't use useMemo here because React doesn't guarantee it won't recreate it again
let obs, _ = React.useState(fun () -> ElmishObservable<'Model, 'Msg>())
// Initialize the program without previous state
let state, setState = React.useState(runProgram program arg obs None)
// Store initial dependencies
let deps, setDeps = React.useState(dependencies)
React.useEffect((fun () ->
// If the component has been disposed, re-build it
// use the last known state.
// This make HMR support works by maintaining the state
// We need to rebuild a new program, in order to get access
// to the new dispatch instance
if obs.HasDisposedOnce then
// Use only state that is valid for current dependencies
let state = if deps <> dependencies then None else Some state
runProgram program arg obs state () |> setState
// Update for dependencies is the state valid
dependencies |> setDeps
), defaultArg dependencies [||])
state, obs.Dispatch
@Dzoukr If the dependencies changed in this case we expect the hook to be recreated from scratch?
As if the useElmish
was invoked for the first time right?
Asking for confirmation and for doing my tests before sending the PR.
Yup. I would say so. It's still hook so if the deps in array changes, it should behave like it's the first time IMHO.
If the dependencies changed in this case we expect the hook to be recreated from scratch?
@MangelMaxime yes, imagine if your Elmish program depends on userId
in the URL (i.e. /user/{userId}
) then
React.useElmish(init, update, [| box userId |])
Should re-initialize the Elmish program when the URL changes (userId
imagine if your Elmish program depends on userId in the URL
Hey, stop looking at my private repo! That's exactly how I found it!!! 😁
@MangelMaxime In my previous PR I added a test for useElmish with dependencies, so if your code passes it hopefully it should be fine 😸 https://github.com/Zaid-Ajaj/Feliz/blob/295162276825b6e17cd8caac5d3f7ba8bc151ff8/tests/Tests.fs#L1152-L1177
After watching some talks about React, using React.useEffect
is not actually the right way of implementing the Elmish hooks.
It "works" but it can lead to some problem/un-expected behaviour especially with React 18.
I will revisit my implementation to fixes this issues/behaviour.
@MangelMaxime I haven't been following the #useEffectGate. What's the problem with React 18? useEffect
with an empty dependency array may retrigger even if the component is not dismounted?
Sorry for the delay, I had a lot of stuff on the plate.
The simplest explanation that I found is:
This means that each component is mounted, then unmounted, and then remounted and that a useEffect call with no dependencies will be run double-time when it is used in React in version 18.
They do that because they want to prepare for future feature 🤷♂️
This only occur during development and not on production but that's still something bad according to the community etc.
They introduce a new hooks useSyncExternalStore
which allows library that manage state like Elmish, Redux, XState, etc. to be implemented "correctly" and in a future proof way.
My plan is for the next days to dive into useSyncExternalStore
and see how to use it for the Elmish hooks like that we can have the correct implementation right away.
@MangelMaxime Just to let you know before diving into specific React v18.x hooks, the current Feliz version still requires React >= 17.0.0 && < 18.0.0
so if you have an implementation that works in for React < 18.x then I think it is very much worth adding to useElmish
, then users could start using it today and we could have a suit of unit tests for the expected behaviour which will help implement the upgrade later when we bump the React version requirements to > 18.x