click-based-rotation icon indicating copy to clipboard operation
click-based-rotation copied to clipboard

Rotate an element depending on the click location


Rotate an element depending on the click (or touch) location. Pure vanilla JS! Yay!



  • Include the cbrotation.js or cbrotation.min.js file (usually at the bottom of the body)
  • Add the rot-dir class to any element(s) you want to have the effect
  • (optional) Set any of the data-attributes listed below to valid, custom values
  • You may want to also set transform-style: preserve-3d (with other prefixes) on the rot-dir element as well, depending on how you want it to feel

Side note: If you want the elements to rotate on mouse move instead, you might look at this project


rot-type - Possible values: realistic (default) and simple - Demo page

  • realistic bases the effect on a calculation of distance from the center
  • simple has 1 of 5 preset effects based on where is clicked

rot-origin - The transform origin for the rotation occurring - defaults to "center center" - Demo page

  • Accepts all default CSS transform-origin values using the same syntax
  • Only applies to simple type. Also accepts a value of opposite which will set the transform-origin to the opposite of the rotation direction, creating a rotating door effect

rot-dur - The duration, in seconds, of the total transition being applied - defaults to .1

rot-ease - The easing function applied to the transition, all CSS easing values allowed - defaults to ease-out

rot-perspective - Sets the perspective for the element's rotation - defaults to 400

rot-amount - The amount to turn each click - defaults to 15

  • When using it with simple, it is directly the number of degrees to rotate each click
  • When using it with realistic, it affects the value by the following


myTrans = "translateZ(" + (-(maxD - d) / 8) + "px) " +
          "rotateY(" + -dX / 8 * amount / 15 + "deg) " +
          "rotateX(" + dY / 4 * amount / 15 + "deg)";

rot-init - The transform that the element goes to on start and after a click - defaults to rotate(0deg)

rot-start - A function to call when the element is clicked - demo page

rot-end - A function to call when the element is done being clicked

Example Usage

This will apply the effect using all of the default data values:

<div class="rot-dir">This is a minimal example</div>

This is an example using every attribute:

<div class="rot-dir" data-rot-type="simple" 
>This has every attribute used</div>

Windows 8 Tile effect

<div class="rot-dir" data-rot-type="simple" data-rot-origin="opposite">I'm a Windows 8 tile</div>