Z Yin

Results 29 comments of Z Yin

I noticed that this issues seems to have been fixed, the fix happened somewhere between 2022-07-22 and 2022-07-17. It seems to have happened on the hosting server and no upgrade...

Close because the question has been answered both in the stackoverflow post in https://github.com/vite-pwa/vite-plugin-pwa/issues/296#issuecomment-1144228063 and also in viniciusknob's reply.

It's working for me again. If you have this issue, try to make some minor modification to your `vercel.json` so it becomes a slightly different file, then deploy again. That...

@bsousaa In docker desktop, in the search box, type `ubuntu`, then click "run" - that's how to reproduce. It's not a bug, but a pop up in the GUI explaining...

Hi @NihalM99 , I'm not currently using `eb` (1.5 years after filing this issue), sorry I don't have an answer from personal experience, but I hope it's already fixed as...

Same problem on Windows v7.27.0 but can't solve by `pnpm add -g pnpm` because of #5700. #5700 suggests using `iwr https://get.pnpm.io/install.ps1 -useb | iex` as a workaround to update pnpm,...

So has anyone tested it? (the new CompressionStream API)? It can use `gzip` or `deflate` to compress a string into ArrayBuffer, but how should I then covert the ArrayBuffer to...

`TextDecoder` wouldn't work easily, because the first 128 code points are 1 byte and 128 to 255 are 2 bytes in UTF-8, and UTF-8 is the only choice if you...

One thing I've found is that base64 is actually quite good if you store text in the filesystem, because both browser and node will output UTF-8 when you ask it...