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Bootstrap V4 UIkit by ZTfer


Bootstrap-V4-Uikit by ZTfer

个人微博: @ZTfer

Dribbble : ZTfer

邮箱:[email protected]


  • bootstrap v4.0 uikit
  • 包含bootstrap中所有组件,部分预览见下图


Media-Object Reboot Typography Code

Tables Figures Buttons

Buttons Dorpdown Forms Input-group Dropdowns Labels Alerts Labels Cards Navs Navbar Breadcrumb Pagination Progress List-group Modal Scrollspy&Tooltips Popover&Collapse Carousel Utility-classes


  • 2016.01.02 创建项目 Media Object,Reboot
  • 2016.01.03 Typography,Code,Images
  • 2016.01.04 Table,Figure
  • 2016.01.05 Buttons
  • 2016.01.06 Button Group
  • 2016.01.07 Button dropdown
  • 2016.01.09 Forms
  • 2016.01-10 Input-group Dropdowns Jumbptron Labels Alerts
  • 2016.01.11 Cards
  • 2016.01.12 Navs Navbar Breadcrumb Pagination Progress
  • 2016.01.13 List group
  • 2016.01.14 Modal Scrollspy Tooltips Popovers Collapse Carousel Utility classes