> The disadvantage of this design is that we have to add a new `xxx_ref` struct every time we add a new API. > > Could you clarify the advantages...
为什么不直接给一个接口,让其余组件可以获取到所有组件?这样都不用注入 - -
layotto自己的组件还好说,要是dapr的组件怎么开个口子注入进去 ?
I want to support sofa-rpc/dubbo-java, but i found that java sdk miss some methods, such as watchService
@chuntaojun fine, if no one does this, i will try it
you can refer to these documents about proxyless: https://dubbogo.github.io/zh-cn/docs/user/tasks/mesh/traffic_management.html https://dubbogo.github.io/zh-cn/docs/user/concept/mesh/proxyless_service_mesh.html