Zeger-Jan van de Weg
Zeger-Jan van de Weg
@gauteh gitorious is shutting down, are there any plans on merging these? In that case someone might want to create a clone of it.
@googlebot I signed it!
@born4new Danger depends on https://github.com/NARKOZ/gitlab/ and I didn't spot any discussion related endpoints in https://github.com/NARKOZ/gitlab/tree/master/lib/gitlab/client, I think thats a required first step?
@bartkamphorst This fork is no longer maintained. @odigity Ill leave this issue open for visibility, until someone opens a PR to update the README. :)
@joepavitt @knolleary I think there's a few things here to fix: 1. There's two repos right now, one that generates the verification data, one that publishes the catalogue.json 2. The...
@joepavitt Who started this work?
Sorry, I meant now. I figured it should've been assigned to someone and I wasn't sure who. The original work I'm aware of :)
@joepavitt Just to shortcut the development and for me to hack in my evening I've created https://github.com/FlowFuse/certified-nr-nodes/pull/5/files. I don't think it's production ready, but might shave a few hours of...
@MarianRaphael can we get the product work on this started?
@MarianRaphael interest from a prospect: https://app-eu1.hubspot.com/contacts/26586079/record/0-1/7563151