Yes, that is what I’ve done.
I tried to install from CWS again, but still not working. Chrome version: 80.0.3987.163
They are performing normally.
**I found the reason**, this only supports English environment: `mutation.target.title.includes('Interrupt execution')` I change mine to: `mutation.target.title.includes('中断执行')` It works now! Thanks
### A small issue: `const runningCellObserverConfig = { attributes: true, hildList: true, subtree: true };` 'hildList' spelling mistake ### Two small suggestions: 1.support float time format, cancel inputformat check, as...
**prefix 前缀名单使用方法**(注:前缀名单非通配符名单): 需要屏蔽的url: > https://wenku.baidu.com/view/33787541240c844769eaeeb5.html?fr=hp_doclist&_wkts_=1712464336639 则添加prefix: > https://wenku.baidu.com/view/33787541240c844769eaeeb5.html