> > > @jhump I've tried this with `HTTP_PROXY` and `HTTPS_PROXY` and neither changed the behavior of grpcurl. I can see with the output of `ss -ntp | grep grpcurl`...
The proxy settings are overridden by the customized dialer: ``` dialer := func(ctx context.Context, address string) (net.Conn, error) { // NB: We *could* handle the TLS handshake ourselves, in the...
I second the alignment with redoc which @elnipa is proposing. Added a demo here: https://redocly.github.io/redoc/?url=https://raw.githubusercontent.com/Z5eyhS0uubejR0SVmX2O/Show-Redoc-Behavior-for-OneOf/main/openapi3.yaml OpenAPI3: https://github.com/Z5eyhS0uubejR0SVmX2O/Show-Redoc-Behavior-for-OneOf/blob/main/openapi3.yaml Equivalent AsyncAPI: https://github.com/Z5eyhS0uubejR0SVmX2O/Show-Redoc-Behavior-for-OneOf/blob/main/asyncapi.yaml
Going along with this, it would be super nice if the `title` of the object in the OneOf/AllOf rendered as Redoc does. I updated my examples to include this.
Identified further concern with how properties in addition to those defined in OneOf/AllOf are rendered, added to the examples I link to (just so I can provide a URL that...