Although it is easy to customize the progress bar display by modifying utils/progressbars, it would be great to have the opportunity to set custom progressbar at initialization. something like `pandarallel.initialize(progress=MyProgressBar)`...
Hi, I'm confused about matrix multiplication. I used to use "*" operator to perform my matrix multiplications, coming from a first C++/glm experience. it seems that in python 3.5+, numpy...
Hello, I use nanogallery2 for a personnal picture gallery. - The frontend allows me to select some pictures in thumbnail view - The server rotates, flip, (...) those images and...
I'm using decord (either cuda of not, depending on machine) to grab video frames that are later processed/displayed through openGL. In the present form, this implies (at least with cuda)...
when loading a model with pyassimp (tried with 5.0.1 both on windows and GNU/linux), - the model names, shadingnm, file and uvwsrc are unreadable. - scene.textures is empty (maybe normal...
In pl.pca_loagings(), there should be an option to limit the number of points plotted (basically n_points from ranking) Why: I recently used the AnnData/scanpy suite to perform some analysis on...
Hello, Is there a way to use nanovg with pure python backends (glfw)? (it works for imnodes and implot) It seems that the functions required to setup contexts are missing...