Arduino_Vcc copied to clipboard
Read Vcc pulls 200uA with LowPower sleep
Your example VccSleep.ino, makes arduino pull 200 micro Amps in LowPower. Commenting out Vcc.h code, gives correct LowPower of 4.5 micro Amps. Tested on Pro mini 8Mhz. It's not only your Vcc code that does this, but all readVcc code I found online does this. I would be glad to see any solution to this.
4.5uA code:
#include <Vcc.h>
#include <LowPower.h>
const float VccMin = 2.0*0.6; // Minimum expected Vcc level, in Volts. Example for 2xAA Alkaline.
const float VccMax = 2.0*1.5; // Maximum expected Vcc level, in Volts. Example for 2xAA Alkaline.
const float VccCorrection = 1.0/1.0; // Measured Vcc by multimeter divided by reported Vcc
Vcc vcc(VccCorrection);
void setup()
void loop()
// float v = vcc.Read_Volts();
// Serial.print("VCC = ");
// Serial.print(v);
// Serial.println(" Volts");
// float p = vcc.Read_Perc(VccMin, VccMax);
// Serial.print("VCC = ");
// Serial.print(p);
// Serial.println(" %");
// delay(200); //delay to allow serial to fully print before sleep
LowPower.powerDown(SLEEP_8S, ADC_OFF, BOD_OFF);
I managed to fix the issue adding ADMUX = _BV(REFS1) new readVcc code:
long readVccFixedLowPower() {
long result;
// Read 1.1V reference against AVcc
ADMUX = _BV(REFS0) | _BV(MUX3) | _BV(MUX2) | _BV(MUX1);
delay(1); // Wait for Vref to settle
ADCSRA |= _BV(ADSC); // Convert
while (bit_is_set(ADCSRA,ADSC));
result = ADCL;
result |= ADCH<<8;
result = ( 1023L * 1100L) / result; // Back-calculate AVcc in mV. 1100 is volt on vRef.
//to fix lowpower drain, ADMUX is changed again.
ADMUX = _BV(REFS1); //fixes readVcc current drain in lowPower
Serial.print("Vcc = " );
return result;
Can you prepare a PR?
Can you prepare a PR?
See #8 :)