py-R-FCN copied to clipboard
R-FCN with joint training and python support
Hello, While training I am getting the following error I0204 03:08:08.855443 21819 solver.cpp:228] Iteration 920, loss = 0.266415 I0204 03:08:08.855478 21819 solver.cpp:244] Train net output #0: accuarcy = 0.941176 I0204...
Hi, I find in the implementation the RPN's input is from resnet layer4 not layer5+new conv(see protxt file) but origin paper said depth of RoI-wise subnetwork is 0. I am...
when I compile my c++ program with import,it occur this :py-R-FCN/caffe/build/lib/ undefined reference to symbol 'cudaSetDevice' /usr/local/cuda/lib64/ error adding symbols: DSO missing from command line . has tried many...
hello: when i train the R-FCN use: python ./tools/ --gpu 0 \ --solver models/pascal_voc/ResNet-50/rfcn_end2end/solver_ohem.prototxt \ --weights data/imagenet_models/ResNet-50-model.caffemodel \ --imdb "voc_2007_trainval" \ --iters 100000 \ --cfg experiments/cfgs/rfcn_end2end_ohem.yml i got an err!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!...
Hi, I want to traing ResNet-50 using Alternating training but meet a error I do not know how solve it,could somebody help?thank you! ### Cannot copy param 0 weights from...
I change with py-rfcn with FPN .I just use 6 feature map (res2\res3\res4\res5 and pooling 6) to proposal anchors,and the rest part unchanged. The net work normal until sloving....the error...
File "/media/hp208/4t/yangxueyuan/R-FCN/py-R-FCN/tools/", line 112, in max_iters=args.max_iters) File "/media/hp208/4t/yangxueyuan/R-FCN/py-R-FCN/tools/../lib/fast_rcnn/", line 205, in train_net model_paths = sw.train_model(max_iters) File "/media/hp208/4t/yangxueyuan/R-FCN/py-R-FCN/tools/../lib/fast_rcnn/", line 146, in train_model self.solver.step(1) File "/media/hp208/4t/yangxueyuan/R-FCN/py-R-FCN/tools/../lib/rpn/", line 51, in forward (all_rois, np.hstack((zeros,...
Because the structure of the RFCN and light-head rcnn is pretty similar, I just tried to implement the light-head rcnn by modifying the py-R-FCN on caffe. I only changed the...
I just modify the train_agnostic.protxt and test_agnostic.protxt. The net seems been trained on my own dataset well. But it has a low mAP (0.07). Anyone meets the same problem??
I tried to implement R-FCN for my own dataset. But my dataset contains lots of tiny objects and I think a relative shallow base network could be better for tiny...