Yuuichi Akagawa

Results 13 comments of Yuuichi Akagawa

@lathoub No. # 8 is a non-SysEx system message issue. @YANG-Mingcong Me too. My Leonardo is works fine. but Due is not.

I performed additional tests. - Leonardo : OK - M0 Pro: OK - Due: NG In Due, it seems that you have to wait after the flash. https://github.com/lathoub/Arduino-USBMIDI/blob/866947ccd15dd408fce168f5e91029f4b1fc1007/src/USB-MIDI.h#L111-L112 I tried...

It's a deep-rooted problem. I use Due only for library testing. I don't necessarily need a fix. @YANG-Mingcong Are you okay with this workaround?

We have started developing that. https://github.com/YuuichiAkagawa/Arduino-UHS2MIDI

Sorry, this project is inactive. I have no idea.

It entry was added by @Sengkey . Sengkey, Do you have any advice? I don't know about the vendor specific class devices behavior. My implement is - Search endpoint the...

Do you have enough power ? Can you try connecting via a Powered USB hub? Please check inTransfer() return value. https://github.com/YuuichiAkagawa/USBH_MIDI/blob/808b5a1e65496cbd4daab4bebdcb841640c6e682/usbh_midi.cpp#L377-L379 ↓ insert #ifdef - #endif ``` uint8_t r =...

Hmmm The Keystation 49 MK3 responds to NAK, so USB communication is possible. But I don't understand why it doesn't send MIDI events.

Try commenting out the following line in Usb.cpp. https://github.com/felis/USB_Host_Shield_2.0/blob/9184254b87b2c65378ba83d653457a48c01d5396/Usb.cpp#L241-L246 Like this. ```C++ rcode = dispatchPkt(tokIN, pep->epAddr, nak_limit); //IN packet to EP-'endpoint'. Function takes care of NAKS. if(rcode == hrTOGERR) {...

Sorry, I made a mistake in one place, please try again. Only two lines need to be commented out. This problem is on the USB_Host_Shield_2.0 side, not the MIDI driver....