
Results 63 comments of Yurik72

Asked, both. Ok clear seams some bug still present, however I do not see ‘no response’ on esp32 in my home managed by Apple TV, they always healthy. Sent from...

Hi, I confirm that is library conflicts between EspHap and ESP8266HTTPClient.h At this moment my suggestion is use another HTTP client I have checked my own simplified implementation and you...

Hi, in very short, should works following example HTTPSimpleClient http; http.begin(uri); //Specify the URL int httpCode = http.POST(postString); specify post string

No clear exactly where crash happens in your code, But at least i see a potential problem You don't need to use WiFiClient,to check you can simple start with http...

I have updated example for Thermostat Please have a look function sendToThingspeak() If you really need POST, keep everything as in my function just replace int httpCode = http.GET(); with...

Ok, I see the problem, library HttpSimpleClient client has to be slightly changed for POST I will do that and reply

Done ! Usage: To add header use http.addHeader(const String& name, const String& value) example as you mentioned 👍 http.addHeader("Content-Type", "application/x-www-form-urlencoded"); To get string response use like that int httpCode =...

Your code looks OK, As i mentioned I didn't tested POST Ok i will prepare debug version, to produce a log or you can do that by yourself by adding...

Hi , I have tested POST request and in my case it's works fine If you still have a problem, get the latest version of HTTPSimpleClient.cpp Uncomment //#define DEBUG_HTTPCLIENT and...

Hi "I'm also not sure if I should have "?" sign before the first part of my postString, like: "?api_key=..."" For the post http you don't need "?" this is...