WinSCP-Password-Recovery copied to clipboard
Decrypt stored WinSCP Passwords.
WinSCP Password Recovery
Decrypt stored WinSCP Passwords.
Having lost my FTP password, the need quickly arose to recover the password from WinSCP. Browsing some forums on how-to's, all I found were passwordbox-unmaskers, which I strongly dislike. One post from anoopengineer gave his Go implementation of the decryption:
As there was no explanation whatsoever on where this information was coming from, and due to the lack of a Go compiler installed on my machine, I set out to implement the decryption algorithm myself, with help from the WinSCP source code ( -- source).
The code provides references to the corresponding C++ parts, for others to see. Start using:
java Main <hostname> <user> <encryptedstring>
where encryptedstring should be replaced with the registry located at: [HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Martin Prikryl\WinSCP 2\Sessions\SESSION NAME\Password] (thanks to anoopengineer)
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